Chapter 2 - One After Another

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I Don't have much to say, so...

Responses to Reviews/Comments:

Delly (Guest): Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed the chapter!

Duke (Guest): That's a good question! And I would answer that, but it's not relevant yet. As for her leaning on the morality spectrum. Well, you'll just have to see for yourself, mainly because I don't want to spoil anything.



[Hajime Hinata – POV]

To describe Hajime Hinata would be to pick a random person off the street who looked as average as the most average human being to ever breathe air, and then say to that person that they are special and unique.

Hajime was a boy who was... well, not-so-average in height, considering he stood at a height of 5'8. Well, in reality, it was average, so he wasn't even special in terms of height. His hair was the same colour as most people, too; that being a light brown. The only thing different about him is his eyes, as they were a pukish green colour.

But outside of that, Hajime was as basic as basic could get. He didn't have a talent, he didn't have a special ability, and nor did he have anything to call himself unique. Nothing special ever happened around Hajime Hinata.

So, you could imagine that, out of all the things that Hajime had expected to see, blood transforming into bright red spikes to stab his classmate, Natsumi Kuzuryu, in the back was not one of the things he had banked on seeing today as he was getting ready to go to the cafeteria after finishing his gym class.

Now, of course, he didn't believe that it was real. Far from it, in fact. A part of him believed that it was part of a movie set. That, perhaps somehow Natsumi had gotten a role in a movie, and that this was a big act that would stop, and for a camera crew to pop out of the bushes and shoo them all away.

Seconds turned to minutes, and those minutes began to feel like hours. At that moment, Hajime realized something.

This was most likely NOT something from a new movie, but rather, something else completely. He still refused to believe that what he had witnessed had been genuine. Maybe it was something for a play? Because, if it was real. If what he had seen had just been real. Then that would shatter his whole world view on reality that he had for the last 17 years of his life.

And then the person who did it, some stranger that he had never seen before, started looking around her surroundings. The girl in question had two-toned hair, and from the looks of things, it looked natural... somehow. One side of their hair had been pink, while the other side was black. Her skin was white, leading Hajime to believe that she was a foreigner, and she was wearing the school's uniform. That meant she was a Student. A Student of Hopes Peak Academy.

Although, he didn't know if she was a Reserve Course Student. His reasoning for that was what he had just witnessed. Her being in the Reserve Course wouldn't have been possible if she had done what it was she had just done.

Which only led to one option, which had been the more plausible of the two, and that was that she was an Ultimate Student. However, most people knew who was an Ultimate Student, but he had never seen her before, so that scratched that out of the two options.

So, if she wasn't a Reserve Course Student, and if she wasn't an Ultimate, then just who the hell was she? Was she an intruder who somehow got past Hopes Peak Academy's security system? She couldn't have been a member of the elementary division of Hopes Peak for one too many reasons.

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