Prologue - How it began

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[Published 6-16-2022]

[Edited 5-04-2023]

I don't think I've ever seen this, ever, in this fandom (Danganronpa), mostly because I can tell that people don't know how to actually do it. But I think I have a few ideas. This is a little idea I've had in the back of my mind for a bit now, so I hope you all like it. If you don't, then oh well, that's your opinion. Don't flame.

Also, yes, this will be a Harem. This is my first attempt at a harem, but seeing as I've read a couple, I think I can manage. It's not going to be a massive harem, mind you. Well, in the beginning, at least.

That being said, Hope you all enjoy this. Don't expect frequent updates.


"So... you think you have an idea of who I should give you to?" A gruff, masculine voice echoed out into a vast dark expanse. The voice in question belonged to a shirtless man with the physique of a Greek God, with long black flowing hair that reached down to the center of his back, and red and white, heterochromatic eyes. The only thing covering his lower half was a cloud of black mist that covered his privates and thighs. On his right shoulder was a thunderbolt tattoo, and underneath it was a skull tattoo. He also had a tattoo on his chest, the words Mischief in large, bold words in a massive font that almost no one couldn't notice.

This was... well, this person was someone who, like Loki, wanted to create a ton of mischief, sow chaos, and, basically, be a general nuisance to the other Gods. The only difference? Well, he wasn't Loki, not really, anyway. This guy's name was Daimen. And Daimen was bored out of his mind. Being stuck in a dark expanse without anyone to talk to outside of his only possession was reason enough to be bored, and he liked a good show now and again. Unfortunately, because of an incident, he was relegated to this neigh infinite void and was not allowed to leave for another billion or so years.

Seeing as the last billion years had been void of anything interesting to do, sans for talking to himself, Daimen was running out of things to do. And, because of that, he was starting to get antsy. Hell, he hadn't had a good show in a very, very long time, and his boredom was reaching its absolute peak!

Although, now that his one and only possession, something dubbed The System, had mentioned that it had found interest in a host. Now that, that had piqued his interest, and so, seeing as he had nothing else better to do than mess around spinning in circles all day, he listened.

[I do believe that I have an idea. This soul died over 10 years ago and has not seen the light of day since. I believe they deserve a second chance. They're the only one in Heaven who has not been decidedly at peace.]

Daimen huffed, crossing his well-built arms. A soul who hasn't been at peace? In Heaven of all places? Now that, as far as he was concerned, was a crime! The Almighty should be ashamed of that! It seemed as if he was going to have to rectify that. Although, there was just one thing that he had to clarify first with The System, something that, in hindsight, should've been obvious, but out of common courtesy, it couldn't hurt to ask. "And you do not mind being paired with this individual. All in all, they were completely unremarkable, outside of their talent for playing video games," the man stated as a floating white dot moved up and down, simulating a nod.

[Yes. I believe that to be enough. Besides, having someone who isn't born with innate talent is far more interesting to bond with. My last user was... rather arrogant all things considered. Even if they took their job seriously, there were times that they could not nor would not listen to reason. Ergo, this person in contrast to the last host I had is a "breath of fresh air" as the humans would say. Besides, they might actually do a good job. Of course, we'll start them off with someplace simple, and then, we'll send them to progressively more difficult universes. I think Universe 219810 should be their first stop. Preferably Before the Tragedy.]

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