Chapter 26 - The Beginning of The End - Part 1

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I am on what some might call "a roll" with these chapters. You see when you're a writer, and you have things being set up and the payoff finally coming after chapters and chapters of build-up, you just start writing and writing until that burst of energy... dissipates, I'm telling you, it's more addictive than any drug in the world.

Also, I've been re-watching Overlord recently—I say re-watching, but the last time I watched it was back in 2018, right when Season III finished airing, so technically I'm just watching it—and because of it I've gotten so many ideas that I once didn't consider that I am now heavily considering. That being said, I don't want to waste much time. So, that being said before we get into my response to reviews/comments....

I have a P-Atr-Eon. Please check it out! The links are all in my bios on Wattpad, FF Dot Net, Ao3, and Qoutev. Just in case, here is the link:

And now, it's time that we jump into my responses reviews/comments!

[Response to reviews/comments]

(Qoutev) JammyJam: That was the point with her. BTW, her name is Natsumi. Anywho, I'm glad you liked the way I twisted Chiaki. Fun fact, she's just a mirror-world version of herself and is more obsessed with Despair than she is with Hope or the concept of it. Sometimes, it's the dark reflections of ourselves that are the scariest.... A-hem, anyway. As for the kids, don't worry, they'll be adopted by Jolyne very, very soon. Like... extremely soon.

(Qoutev) TACO SENSEI: That Damien is. Also, one thing I think I clarified earlier (Or maybe I didn't, but if so, I'm gonna do that now) the faction isn't what dictates her personality. Sure, there are certain things that she will react to due to her faction, but 99% of her actions are decided by herself and are turned into Quests for her to do—not the other way around. Also, to answer your question, I'm sorry to report that there are going to be NO KILLING GAMES WITHIN THIS STORY. Why? Because I said so. Like, it is SO far removed from the original genre that it would throw the pacing off dramatically. And before you ask about Class 78, don't worry... I have a plan for them.... : )

Kolt999: Do you have, any idea, how much I've been holding back just... plopping Munakata and Kokichi into the plot? Like, it is unreal just how much I wanted to just say "oh, hey, by the way, they exist." However, my sister, who is my "idea bounce-off of" the person told me it was a bad idea, and to wait until the right moment. It just so happened to be the last chapter. And yes, Kokichi and Jolyne's interactions are going to be SOOOO fun to write about. But, that will come in due time. Moving on, Izuru Kamakura, or as I like to call him: The Walking "Fuck you I win." I will be portraying him differently in terms of the story. I didn't like how they handled my boy in canon. So, prepare for what just might become one of the most overpowered antagonist in Danganronpa Fanfic history. Also, nice touch with the Hellsing reference, I see you are a man of culture as well.

Now, how about we start this chapter in earnest?

[Note: The Poll for the next world is now up! You can find it on my profile on Fanfiction Dot Net under the username DeathlyJazzHands55. It will be up until The Danganronpa Universe is finished. Once it is, I will take down the poll and begin planning out that world. If you cannot find the poll on my profile, or my profile in general, use this instead: and for those on Wattpad unable to see the link without it being split up: https: // take. Super survey. com/ poll 4629498x00734f98- 145 stitch this back together and boom! There you go.]


[Jolyne Brooks]

Standing in front of the gates of Hope's Peak Academy, Jolyne sighed, dropping the hood of the cloak off of her head. Standing beside her was Natsumi. She looked up at the main building, her eyes sparkling, almost as if she hadn't expected to be standing before it.

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