Chapter 43 - The World Of Remnant - Part 5

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We're continuing the madness! I don't have much else to say here, other than Let's get into my response to reviews/comments!

[Response to Reviews/Comments]

(Qoutev) TACO SENSEI: Nah, it wasn't foreshadowing. They're on the same Remnant. Now, as for later on....

(Guest) Reader 451: Yeah, her confronting Raven, at least, in combat, won't be happening for a while now. If they were to fight right now, at the current level that Jolyne is at, it would be a serious 50/50 as to who came out on top, and even then, that's debatable. How I see it, though, Jolyne was only barely able to beat Izuru, and that was through luck. With how I have planned Aura to work in this, she doesn't stand a chance with skill alone. It would be a numbers game at that point, and... yeah, no. You're pretty spot on with how that would end up. Kinda. And, as for Jupiter and Titan... yeah, let's just say they throw things off immensely.

Bearticguy7: Tyrone is going to be a mainstay. He's a more... interesting kind of Beowulf than the regular ones. If you've watched TTIGRAAS then you might know how I'm going with this.

Kolt999: Never heard of Odin's Sphere, but I have to assume that a character named Oswald is important to that game.

Politics sucks and Ozpin hates it, Jamol is a douchebag (what's new there) and Tyrone most definitely has that dawg in 'im. I have plans for Tyrone, he's not just going to remain a basic Beowulf. Also... Mommy Salami? What the—you know what, no. I'm not even going to ask.

Now, as for Jamol and his Voldemort treatment, you're kinda spot on with the whole "speak his name and he can see what you're up to" kind of thing. And, as for the whole Demi-God thing—every Multiversal Gamer is considered a "Demi-God" due to their job, and due to their soul being part human, no matter what race they take up.

And no, Jamol is The God of... well, you'll find that out later on.

As always, you have a good day Kolt!

Now, with that out of the way... Let's jump into the new chapter!

[Jasper Quartz and Makaria Plutos belong to Shine357]



Sitting in a prison cell wasn't exactly how Masaru had envisioned spending his time in this new world. Then again, he also hadn't envisioned being dropped in a frozen wasteland either. He was thankful that the building they—and by they he meant Kokichi, Gundham, himself, and Chiaki—were being kept in had heating so that he didn't freeze to death.

Speaking of which, they were being kept in separate cells, which were made of blue holographic walls that seemed impenetrable. He hadn't tried to use The Fool to see if he could have it slip underneath the hologram walls, but he also wasn't intending on causing havoc. Chiaki on the other hand, who was in the cell behind him, had tried to sling both electricity and fire at the cell walls, and seeing as nothing came of it, he reasoned that if they were able to block Chiaki's fire and electric attacks, then they could probably block The Fool as well.

Speaking of The Fool, he had summoned it to his right in the form of a robotic-looking blue jay—one of his favourite birds. He had manifested it to be the same size as his pinkie finger, which was where he had kept it sitting as he kicked his legs back and forth whilst he sat on a rather uncomfortable metal slab that the mean Winter lady called a bed.

Another thing about these cells was that they were soundproof, meaning that he couldn't hear any of his other friends—and he used that word loosely in terms of Gundham and Kokichi—which he viewed as a benefit.

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