Chapter 36 - The End Of The Beginning - Part 1

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So... wow, I was expecting a reaction to Kotoko's death, but like hot damn, you guys are out for blood. Anyhow, we're getting back into the swing of things. I think by either the end of February or the beginning of March we'll have wrapped up Danganronpa, and have started RWBY, and that's me not being generous. That's assuming I take more than one break during writing this to work on something else. If I solely work on this, we'll be starting RWBY by next week.

I'm honestly REALLY nervous to start RWBY because of how toxic the fandom can be, but... you know what, fuck it, I don't really care. I have my plans, and if people don't like how I take it, then by all means voice it, just don't be too negative....

I gotta stop siking myself out...

Anyways, before I end up saying something stupid, let's just jump into my response to reviews/comments!

[Response to reviews/comments]

(Qoutev) TACO SENSEI: To be fair to Izuru, which is a sentence in itself, was not taking chances. He knows how powerful people can get in a short amount of time. But, yeah, no there's no real excuse for his actions. Just you wait, he'll get his comeuppance sooner or later. And it shall be glorious.

(Qoutev) Gh0sty.C0ffe: Yeah, I should've expected this kind of reaction. Don't you worry, Kotoko will be avenged!

(Qoutev) Dead phone: Because he felt like it. I mean, he's kind of a soulless bastard, even if in this he does have some kind of emotions, and does act on his feelings. But, he's still Izuru Kamakura, and he still has morals separate from others and runs on his own personal agenda.

As for the utter catharsis of Jolyne kicking the snot out of Chinatsu and traumatizing both Kokichi and Chinatsu for it, even with not using full power (considering it would be overkill if she did) Jolyne getting smarter is, well, kind of the point. The last time she went in guns a-blazing was against Daisuke, and look what that earned her? She got her shit rocked. She's learning, and she'll get better as this goes on, after all, learning from mistakes is how you get better.

As for how D.I.C.E. will react to the forced alliance... well, it's going to be tenuous, to say the very least. ESPECIALLY GUNDHAM AND THE OTHERS. Oh boy, just wait to see that. Unfortunatly for D.I.C.E., they don't have a choice in the matter.

And yeah, I know what you're getting at. There are times when I can't even write a review for some of the stories I read, because the stuff that happens is just so jaw-dropping, and leaves me feeling things that shouldn't be possible for Fanfiction (considering I have high standards when it comes to fanfic, anyway) so, yeah, no worries!

(Qoutev) JammyJam: Wtf indeed. Smh bro, how could he?

(Ao3) ThatCatMan: I have no idea what you're trying to say here. But that sounds hehelarious.

Kolt999: Yeah, honestly it was kind of shameless how based on it was, but it fit imo. The best part was that Jolyne was holding back, and if she had really wanted to kill her, she would've used Finger Laser to basically one-shot her, lol. And, I'm glad I was able to elicit that sort of impact. R.I.P. in pepperonis, Kotoko, you shall be missed.

Now, with that out of the way, let's hop into the chapter!


[Monica Towa]


Pure terror had driven her at that moment. Not many things could scare Monica more than the person that she saw in that hallway, with the sole exception being her now deceased, thank god for that, half-brother and father. There was an overbearing presence following that man around, and it frightened her. It was like Jolyne's presence, but... more horrifying. Like it was... impure for some reason or another.

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