Chapter 1 - It immediately goes to shit

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Alright, time for the first Chapter! I hope you guys enjoy this as much as I did when I was writing it. I don't have much else to say here, other than you guys are in for a treat.



Jolyne groaned, having the headache of a lifetime. As she slowly sat up, the black and pink-haired teen blinked, looking all around her. She was in what she had to assume was a medical office of some kind, judging by the cabinets filled with medicine, the utter amount of IV drips in the corner, the several hospital beds, as well as a small fridge that was open, which contained blood bags.

Either that, or this was a serial killer's basement, but due to how the door was open to show a hallway that looked like a school hallway, what with the other students in uniforms, some mid-stride, just outside, seemed to de-confirm that theory.

Everything seemed to be paused, like that of a video game—which should have been obvious seeing as there were literal people just outside of the room she was in that looked paused, but she digressed. From what she could tell, only she could move.

Jolyne looked out of the corner of her eye and saw a purple-haired teen with uneven bangs seemingly working away at a station, trying to stop things from falling over in front of her. She was wearing a dark brown uniform with an equally dark brown skirt. Her whole right leg was covered in a bandage wrap, whereas her left thigh was the only thing covered by bandages. Her wrist, and possibly her arm, on her left side, was wrapped up as well, and she had a bandage on her right cheek.

The teen in question was frozen in time, everything in front of her so close to falling over, yet unmoving. Even a pen that had been on top of the stack that was so close to falling off was stuck in the air, something that Jolyne noted as she sighed. The pen was close to her, but not close enough to hit her... yet. Even still, when she reached out to grab it, her hand seemed to phase right through it. This caused Jolyne to frown.

"Seems like I can't interact with any—whoa!" Before she was about to continue that sentence, a text box appeared in front of her. The box was blue, and the text was white. In the corners of the box were fancy patterns that looked like some sort of ancient symbols, and the frame was pitch black.

[Welcome! Thank you for installing 'The System – Ver 1.0' into your soul! The Developer, Daimen, would like to personally thank you! Before we can begin on this journey, please select a faction!]

The text box disappeared, and then, three text boxes appeared in front of her with three different options. "Factions? Daimen never mentioned factions?! What the hell does this—" before she could finish her thought, a fourth text box appeared above the other three, which seemed to be darkened out.

[Pick a Faction to then select your class. Depending on the universe you are in, there will be three different factions to pick from, each of which gives you +50 Karma of either Good, Neutral, or Evil when you select them. Manage your Karma from your Side Quests, Character Quests, and Story Quests to keep in line with the Faction you pick, otherwise, you'll leak over into another Faction and will be switched over to that Faction. When picking a Faction, please read carefully, as you will not be able to MANUALLY switch to another Faction at any point. Enjoy!]

As the text box faded into the background, Jolyne sucked in a deep breath, then let it out. "Yeah, no pressure, like, at all!" the black and pink-haired teen spat, the three choices appearing in front of her. Each text box was a different colour—the one to the left was blue, the one in the middle was grey, and the one right was red.

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