Chapter 49 - Confusion and Disillusion - Part 2

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Just so those who are reading this on Ao3 are aware, I have had to turn on comment moderation. The reason for this is that there is a bot, or several bots, running around on Ao3 that are putting misleading flags on stories claiming them to be AI-generated. If you are reading on Ao3, please do not let this discourage you from leaving a comment. Your input is greatly appreciated.

That being said, let's move on to my responses to reviews/comments.

[Response to Reviews/Comments]

(Qoutev) TACO SENSEI: Yeah, to be fair, Zain is gonna be a little hard to write for me, mainly because he's super moralistic. Like, frustratingly a good guy. And yes, he will need a lot of luck. Like, a lot of luck. And Kokichi finally gets to be Kokichi, at least to some extent. I've been waiting to do something with him for a little bit now, and I'm glad it's been well received.

Reader 451: I too feel bad for Ozpin. That man really needs a break, but unfortunatly for him, things only get more stressful, for better or for worse. Zain is, well, he's Zain. He will be appearing a lot in this arc. Although in his defence, it's not like he'd do a Steven Universe, he's not that insufferable. Also, love the comparison. Fun fact, I had recently watched a Jackie Chan movie so the action was quite fresh in my mind. As for how Winter is doing... Read and Find out... in the next chapter, because I don't have the time to make this any longer! And yeah, as I figured out, even re-watching Volumes 1 – 3 (Which are important to this story, anything beyond is unrequired for reading this part of the story) that even back then Aura wasn't really well explained. Go figure, yeah?

Kolt999: What can I say? Being Ozpin sucks, and it's only reasonable that Ozpin sometimes needs to wash away his woes with a few shots of 10% Alcohol-level Brandy. His life's been a living hell for quite some time, and it's only reasonable to assume that he gets drunk from time to time to forget.

Also, your Analogy is kinda spot on, with the exception that Jolyne is more of a lesser of the two evils. Like, yeah, she's not a good person, but she's better than those two assholes. As for Raven leaving out that important detail... well, you'll learn why she did that in either this chapter or the next one, depending on how much I focus on Jolyne's perspective in his chapter. (News Flash, it's a lot)

Then we get to Zain. Zain is going to be in for a world of hurt. That's all I'm gonna say. We all know by now that when Jolyne fights someone, she does so with no remorse and does not hold back if she thinks it's needed.

Then, Kokichi being Kokichi. Winter being trolled into oblivion. And Chiaki getting her truest of true gamer moments. No, Atlas will not be catching a break, if anything it's just gonna get continuously fucked over until the end of time itself. If you couldn't tell, I'm not the biggest fan of Atlas. Ironwood's cool, but Atlas can suck my donkey balls for all I care.

Have a good day, Kolt!

Now, with that being said, let's hop right into the chapter, shall we?

[Markaria Plutos and Jasper Quartz belong to Shine375. Zain Hotaru belongs to Sunky Addict.]


[Jolyne Brooks]

Styx had seen better days, that much Jolyne knew. From what she gathered from the mayor, over 65% of the population had died because of The Branwen Tribe and the devastating raid that they had conducted on the town, bringing the town's total population from a whopping 8,585 to 3,000. Or, more accurately, 3,004 if they included Jolyne and her friends.

Oh, there were also the slaves that she rescued from The Branwen Tribe, so that was 50 people right there, and another 300 because of the now ex-bandits turned private militia for Styx, led by Jolyne seeing as they only took orders from her, making her in a way the General of the militia, despite the fact she knew nothing of how to run a military.

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