Chapter 60 - Hear The Dragon Roar - Part 2

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Back at it again with yet another chapter. This one is actually a product of the last segment of the last chapter being a bit too long, that being the first part you're about to read. The other two segments are obviously meant to be only this chapter, but that's beside the point. Also, super sorry for this being as late as it is. I've been really busy over the last few weeks. I can't promise that something like this won't happen again, but I'll try to make sure it doesn't.

However, before we get into the chapter, we must first get to my response to reviews/comments!

[My Response to Reviews/Comments]

(Qoutev) TACO SENSEI: Salem did, in fact, touch the child (not like that-)

(Ao3) AidenJacksonSmithDSBB: I see. That sounds like a lot. I'm glad this fic helps you get through with it, but in all seriousness, maybe that's something you should get checked out? Just a thought.

(Ao3) Tymaddux: I'm glad you know understand why I despise HIM. It's about time, too. Not you, I mean, but other people, realize that He is a problem. Like, some of his fics are okay, but the fact that the first thing you see when you look at Gamer Fics on FF is stuff from him gives people bad vibes. ESPECIALLY if you read any of his earlier stuff. FUCK that shit is HORRENDOUS. I don't know what story it was of his that you read, but I pray it wasn't one of his many RWBY ones. Like... fuck man, the stuff he does to those characters is just plain evil. The less I talk about that one fic where the MC rapes Jaune's little 7-year-old sister, the better (It's more than once, mind you, and in gratuitous detail)....

(Guest) Reader 451: I mean, canon RWBY doesn't help with how inconsistent their character's writing is (the less we talk about Team RWBY, the better) so I don't blame you. Also, I don't think I've ever read any fics by Coeur Al'Aran. Is his stuff any good?

Kolt999: The Gryphon is going to be what we see when it comes to Grimm Evolution. Obviously, I wanted to do something like that with Tyrone, but the issue with that is what I have planned for him necessitated that he become his fully evolved state now, rather than later. It was more of a "padding versus necessity" situation that I had with Tyrone.

Also, Jolyne's stay is going to be extended for plot reasons we'll see in this Arc. A lot happens that makes her HAVE to stay at Beacon, and most of it, of course, has to do with The Twins. I know I haven't shown a lot about Jupiter and Titan, but they are going to become heavily plot-relevant as time goes on. There are also two more characters that are introduced in this Arc.

As for Beastkin/Soulless, those are natural levels they start off with. They are insanely powerful and are soldiers for ADAM. Think of them as late guy Elden Ring enemies that do half your health bar in one swing if you're prepared to deal with them. In other words, very, very dangerous, and very, very annoying.

Salem has made a big mistake, that much is for sure. But her comeuppance won't be for a while. Anyway, have a wonderful day, Kolt!

Now, onto the chapter!



She stood just outside of the meeting place, just as she had been instructed to do by her father. Normally, whenever her father wanted her to do something, she typically gave it a day or two before she actually did what it was he asked. This time, however, it was urgent. So, she had to step away from her project and do as he asked. Not that she was hesitant to do so—she would do anything for her father, within reason of course.

But that was beside the point. The point was that her father stated that what she was meant to do was to protect a certain human that had, for some reason or another, come into contact with a fraction of her mother's soul. If that human were to die, then so would that part of her mother's soul. And that just wasn't an option.

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