Chapter 42 - The World Of Remnant - Part 4

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Been a hot minute since I updated this. Like, the middle of February hot, which is oxymoronic because February, at least for me, was piss cold—we're talking temperatures in the double digits and measured in the negative (Celsius for all you American readers). That aside, it was mainly because, after looking over what I want to do for this first arc, I realized that it might seem a little rushed, so I'm going to be slowing things down a little bit. K? Cool? Wicked!

Also, I want you all to keep in mind that these are largely my interpretations of these characters. I feel like copy-pasting their personalities and keeping them strictly the same would just drag down the overall enjoyment of the plot.

I say this now to, hopefully, soften the blow when certain characters do some things that might seem OOC for them in terms of their character in comparison to canon. Also, keep in mind what genre of fanfic this is. Aside from that, there isn't much else I have to add here, other than: let's hop into my response to reviews/comments!

[My Response to Reviews/Comments]

(Qoutev) TACO SENSEI: Think of it this way: Their disorientated, they just showed up in a new world, and the first thing that you're greeted with are weapons pointed at you. The overload of information in that moment would render anyone speechless. Besides, Chinatsu knew that, which was why she didn't expect anything out of them.

(Ao3) TheSevenStars: Now, that's a name for sore eyes. Honestly, I was kind of worried that you might've dropped this fic, but, I guess my point was proven wrong! Hazzah! Believe you me, Jamol is someone who I want dead too, and I'm writing the guy. But unfortunately, the time for him to be ripped to shreds and turned into confetti won't be for a long, long time. And, fun fact: The groups were formed via WheelOfNames because I don't trust myself to form groups that could interact meaningfully. Oh, and the First Arc still has like... 2 more chapters before we get into the next one. Anyway, thank you for the kind words! Have a great day!

Bearticguy7: I mean, nothing that eccentric this early on. But... definitely, something is going to happen when Jolyne finds out even a fraction of what Jamol is doing (it's a lot worse than you think it is). But I can tell you this: it will most definitely be interesting.

Kolt999: I honestly have no idea what would've caused that. I guess that FF just decided to derp for a second. It happens from time to time, and it's happened to me before when I review other stuff. But, yeah, glad you decided to repost it because I wouldn't have a mountain to respond to, and that would be bad :(

I am here to assure you that NOTHING (everything) will go wrong. Everything (nothing) is under control, and NOTHING (something) bad will happen!

As I stated in another response I did, the groups were chosen by WheelOFNames because I cannot trust myself to make groups interesting. And... I mean, you wouldn't be wrong in assuming that Masaru is going to turn out to be a voice of reason in the end. Another thing, I was kinda worried I didn't get her in character, and that I had hamfisted the whole authoritarian stuff with Winter. I guess I gotta stop doubting myself. And, oh boy... I don't think letting Kokichi near Penny is a good idea... she'll learn things that she shouldn't. The sweet robo-cinnamon-roll does not need to be corrupted with pranks and all that shenanigans.

And, yes Daimen chose the Faunus traits. And, yes, you can imagine him rolling on the floor laughing his ass off while Lady Mary is face-palming in disappointment for his shitty attempts at humour. And believe me when I say that Ghira has suffered and then some. There is a reason why he has more pictures of his family in his room. Look into that as much as you want.

As for Jamol's fate by the end of the RWBY saga... well, that's a surprise. Have yourself a great day, Kolt!

Now, with all that out of the way, let's jump into the new chapter!

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