Chapter 33

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POV: Annabeth

It was getting colder by the day.
It was the 12th of December, and it wouldn't stop snowing. I was headed towards the hospital to bring Piper her school work.
The crash was 4 days ago. But she still had to stay in "cause of blood loss and check ups and bla Blabla", well Piper said it like that.

Will explained to us that it was actually necessary, I tuned out after that part. Normally I would be interested but with all that was going on and all the school work that didn't seem to get any less, the sleepless nights were taking a toll on me.

I sighed when I finally entered the hospital, the warmth was heaven after the icy cold outside.
I was here every day after school, to bring Piper her school work, get her some food that wasn't "stuff that look like it has been vomited up by a cow", as Piper liked to say, and lastly to tell her everything.
Piper literally pressed every last bit of news and gossip out of me, like out of a nearly empty toothpaste container.

The lady at the desk gave me one single glance and grunted: "still the same room", and then went back to reading her 1000 page novel. I thanked her and headed over to the room I already knew all too well.

"Hey Pipes, how are you holding up?", I said crossing the room throwing the bag with food at her and taking a seat on the chair next to her bed.
She looked much better, the colour had all returned to her face and all of the cuts looked like they had been sealed.
The bed on the other side of the room was now empty again. Piper had called them totally freaked out and laughing at the same time, when she found out who shared the room with her. Turns out someone spiked Oktavians drink at the ball and he got a virus that caused him to vomit, a lot.
When I told this Thalia and Reyna, they acted a little too surprised.
Luckily he left the same day and Piper didn't have to live with a pain in the ass as a roommate.

"Oh Veggie tacos!", Piper exclaimed happily, after practically ripping open the bag.
"Leo made them", I told her and then added: "don't I get a hello anymore?"
"Nope, but you get extra best friend points. Sooooo what's up?", she asked giddily, while propping herself up into a sitting position, and then proceeded to devouring the tacos.
"Well, Katie and Travis are finally official, you know how Katie told us the story last time she visited? Well now they told everyone", I tell her, starting to eat my own meal. (I had made myself mac and cheese)
"Uh, that's great!", Piper exclaimed.
I nodded.
"And, that's pretty much it. Just another week of the teachers being annoying and the students drowning in homework."

"What about Jason?", Piper asked quietly, not meeting my eyes.
"Didn't he visit?"
"Oh no he does. A lot actually, he just makes sure to never come alone, there's always someone with him. I think he's avoiding me...", she said her voice breaking from time to time.
Piper had told me everything of what happened before the crash, how Drew manipulated her (I kneed her in the gut in PE the day after), the fight with Jason, the car chase, and Jason's confession.
The whole story is definitely movie material if you ask me.
"Yeah no he's scared. He thinks it's all his fault, witch it partly is, but that's not the point. Also he confessed his love to you and seconds later you crashed and could have died. He has all reasons to believe that you'd never want to talk to him again.", I tell her while gobbling up my food.

"But that's not the case at all!", Piper exclaimed waving her hands around and winced.
"Yeah maybe you should leave the waving", I told her and she nodded.
"Annie, what should I do?"
"Talk it out, that's all I can say. Don't know why you're asking me of all people though, I can't even solve my own problems", I sighed.

We sat there for a minute feeling sorry for ourselves until Piper broke the silence and said: "So you like Percy?"
"No, We're not going there!"

"Fine. Oh I forgot to tell you! They're letting me out in three days!", she exclaimed happily, biting into her last taco.
"That's great! You'll be back in time to witness Mr. Apollo desperately trying to get us to go Christmas caroling.", I tell her with fake enthusiasm.
Piper groaned.
"He's still doing that?"
"Yep, and you know what's worse? If we get in detention, well that's our detention.", I told her, snickering at her expression.
"You can't be serious?", Piper exclaimed, waving her hands around in wild gestures. "Yep.", I  said nodding, also not to exited.
"You know, now that Travis has found his soulmate, Connor has officially stamped him off as boring, now he has somehow convinced Rachel to follow in his footsteps. And those two have made it their job to find out how far they can go before Apollo gives them detention", I added.
"Oh they're sued.", Piper said, not looking sorry at all. "Mhm"

"What did your dad say actually?", I asked a bit more quiet. This was a cautious subject, Piper didn't like bringing it up much.
"Well, he called last night sounding really worried. He asked if everything was okay and told me couldn't come because of a shoot he's having in Europe.", she said a bit too casually. Piper may act like she doesn't care, but I know she does and it breaks my heart to see her pretend like nothings wrong.
"He also paid for the repairs of Alice's car. You know the woman whom I drove into?"
I nodded. "She visited me this morning. She's really nice, also she feels bad that we have to pay for the repairs even though it's not even her fault. Turns out she's also a really big fan of my dad, so when I told her I'd get her an autograph, she was really exited", Piper continued. Then she reached for a box of chocolate from her nightstand. Wich was almost overflowing with sweets and get well cards.
"She brought these chocolates, want some?"
I thanked her and took one. Sorry I just love chocolate.

I looked at my phone, there were like ten missed calls from Helen. I opened messages to see what she wanted.
"Sorry Pipes, Helen wants me to pick up Bobby and Mathew from daycare, gotta go. See ya tomorrow!"
"Sure leave me here to rot in the hospital alone", Piper yelled after me laughing.

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