Chapter: 28

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POV: Annabeth

I was standing a few feet away from Piper and Jason who where laughing about something and simply just enjoying each others company.
It was good an hour since we had all parted ways and I was bored.

So, I did what every good friend does: spying on them.
But until now nothing much happened Piper seemed to have the best time of her life with Jason. Reyna and Thalia where still talking about god knows what, I left them to it as an outrageous argument about Kelly's dress broke loose. and Katie and Travis where just talking about something at the snack table.

Hazel looked like she had a good time with Frank and don't get me started on Leo and Calypso those two where absolutely adorable dancing and laughing the whole time, also occasionally making out.

But I also saw Rachel and Connor dancing before. And Percy...I had honestly no idea where he went probably having loads of fun with his date. Who was that anyways?

I looked around looking for something to do.
Calypso was right the decorations where amazing!
It looked like straight out of a fairytale, but the 300 teenagers or who knows how many people where here kinda ruined that theme...

"Hey Annabeth nice seeing you here"
"Hi seaweedbrain, how's your date going?",I asked looking up at the boy who I might have the tiniest crush on.
Too say he looked good would have been an understatement.
"I don't really have a date, all I'm doing here is looking after Jason you know? That he doesn't freak out because he's on a date with Piper Mc Lean."
Oh, how does a person like Percy don't have a date?

"Oh well nothing much happened yet, Oh my gods he asked her to dance!", I almost squealed
What? She's my best friend.
"Cmon let's follow them! May I have this dance m'lady?",percy asked taking a bow. I laughed was he serious?
"Of course my good sir", I told him and he lead me onto the dance floor.

"So what is a beautiful maiden like you doing here all alone?", he asked me while we where dancing. I swear it must have looked weird us being the only ones walzing while everyone else was, well partying.
"I could ask you the same question cause you look better than expected" it was true cause I didn't think he'd look that good.

"Well we can not let that happen, can we?",he asked me with his lopsided grin.
"What are you going to do about I?", I countered his question.
"I guess I'll have to accompany you myself this evening then, only if that's fine for you if course",he asked while twirling me around. Wait was this a late invitation to the ball?!

"I would feel honored"

POV: Katie

"You wanna dance?", Travis asked after pacing back and forth at least 5 minutes.
I beamed, sorry I love dancing.
"Wow is Katiekat exited because of dancing or because of her awesome partner?"
"Shut up Stoll"
"I was just asking!"
"Then stop asking!", I said laughing.
This date or whatever it was just felt right. It just feels right being in Travises arms while dancing and just everything about Travis just feels right. I have a serious problem I know.

"So Kates...", Travis started but then stopped.
Travis was staring at something on my upper arm. My tattoo.
The tool was see through so if you looked close enough you could see the caduceus keychain just fine.

I looked back up at
Travis who was still staring at it. Then he proceeded to stare at me and back at the tattoo again. This happened about three times until he mumbled something about needing fresh air and disappeared in the crowd.

What was wrong with him? Why would he march of like that? Did my soulmate tattoo scare him away? But why?
That's when I saw it.
There was something glistening on the floor.

I picked them up.
On the key ring there where 3 keys plus a car key and...
And a caduceus keychain.

Around me everyone was still dancing but I was just standing there staring at the real thing I had so often seen as a tattoo on my upper arm.
Slowly I turned it around at the back there where only two letters echoed into the silver.


Time stopped, I don't know how long I was standing there but when I finally could bring myself to move, I ran to one of the 2 people who I could ask.


"Katie what are you doing here? Where's Travis?", he asked from where he stood next to Rachel.
I held the keys up and his eyes widened.
"Where did you get those?", he asked a little in shock.
"Are these Travis keys?", I practically shouted.
Connor didn't say anything.
"Connor, please! Are. These. Travis. Keys?"
I asked him again.
"Yes, but why..",he started but that's all I needed.
"Thanks Connor seriously thank you", I said grinning from ear to ear and ran to the entrance. "What was that about?", I heard Connor ask but I didn't stop, Rachel would explain.

It was snowing outside.
And freezing cold. Now I wish I had brought a coat.
The Parking lot was filled with teenagers who needed a break from the ball, there where a lot smoking and also a lot of couples making out.
Travis wouldn't stay here.
At least I told myself that.
"You don't even know him", a little voice in my head told me.
I told that voice to shut up.

Trusting on my instinkts I ran down the steps and over the street to the park that was around the corner. It was deserted.
"Travis?", I said into the dark park lit up only by the street lamps behind me and the falling flakes of snow. The moon was shining bright too and soaked everything into a milky sort of light.
"Travis!", I shouted louder this time.
That's when I noticed the footprints in the snow.

They where leading to a clearing and in the middle there was a figure standing he turned and I could see his face in the moonlight.
"Travis!" I stepped into his sight.

"Hi Katie"

I stepped up to him once more.
"Connor said these belong to you", I told him holding up his keys.

"Where did you find those? I didn't realize I lost them, thanks anyways. You wanna head back to the others?", his voice sounded hopeful as to escape this awkward situation.

"Travis, I know. And I know you know too", I sighed and then said the words we where both thinking: "Travis were Soulmates, and I'm sorry if you disappointed I totally understand."

He said nothing. I turned and started to walk away.
Travis Stoll was my soulmate and how amazing that may sound to me he didn't want me.


I turned to see Travis looking straight at me.
"You know why I kept pranking you all this time?"
I shook my head slowly.

"I did it to get your attention", he sighed and continued "cause from the moment where I first saw you I had this annoying little crush on you that just wouldn't go away. Instead it grew bigger and the truth is... I love you. And the fact that I can't do anything about it is terrifying. And I'm not disappointed probably the opposite, I just have the feeling I'll never be good enough and..."

That's when I went up on my toes and kissed him, right on the lips.
First he was shocked but then he kissed me back. We could have stood there for ages with his hands at my waist and my hands around his neck, with the snow falling around us and nothing breaking the silence.

That's when my shoulder started glowing and so did his tattoo.
Under the tattoo there where now two letters, the same as at the back of Travis keychain that had told me he was my soulmate only a few minutes before. It felt like hours since then.


Now graced the skin under my tattoo.
I looked up to see Travis already grinning down at me.
"Well, now it's official I'm not letting you go just that you know that."

"Your crazy", I laughed at him.

"Crazy for you", he answered and kissed me again.
I swear this boy is going to be the death of me.

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