Chapter: 20

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The meme has literally nothing to do with the chapter I'm just obsessed!

POV: Nico

Why is everyone so obsessed with that ball? I'm not going that's for sure, I thought about going for a while because of Will but not even the thought of him being there would convince me to go. Hazel also tried to convince me, so did Bianca and all the boys, but I'll hear the gossip the next day anyways. I bet there will be some kind of drama, but not for me I'm staying out of that one.

*the cool guys group-chat*

Aquaman: Hey guys you wanna come over, mom made cookies!

Superman: Nearly there

G-man: thanks, I'll come too

Death boy: im only coming for the cookies just that that's clear!

Leo mcshizzle: sure not like we're your friends or anything, im coming too btw.

Stoll 2: Travis and I are coming too.

Aquaman: how racist is that! They dont have blue cookie emojis!

Animal guy: Percy you wright don't not dont

Aquaman: and those cookies have milk in them!

Animal guy: I'm coming anyways, have to tell you guys something 

Sunshine boy: Sure I'm down


"Thanks aunt Sally these are amazing as always", I told Percys mom after eating the last cookie in front of all the others I bit into it in slow motion. That's what I call modern torture. "Thanks Nico, but I didn't make them alone Thalia helped", Sally told us while smiling. I gagged. "Don't worry Neeks with helping she means sitting next to the oven waiting for the cookies to be done" Thalia had entered the room without me noticing and sat down next to Jason. "Oh and for the Ball, you'll have to ask the girls cause they won't ask you, well Annabeth would but how I know her she'll get lots of invites and turn all of them down. Oh and Rachel maybe but anyways Hazels to scared to ask anyone, Piper is... Piper and I don't know about Katie and Calypso but I wouldn't jinx it", the last part she directed at Travis and Leo.

After that speech she got up and went to the door. "Well I'll probably get home bye!" As she opened the door Frank tumbled in. "Oh hey Thalia, and bye Thalia. Hey guys I have to tell you something!"

"So Today in our free period Hazel and I went to the football stands to finish our portraits. When I saw her bracelet and it's exactly the one on my tattoo! So this means Hazels my soulmate", he endet of with a sigh. "I knew it!", I shouted out when Frank endet his story. I was happy that Frank was Hazels soulmate and not some jerk, but if he breaks her heart he's dead. "So when are you gonna tell her?", Percy asked him. "I'm not going to", he said his face in his hands. "Congratulations Frank, on my list of the most stupid people you moved from second last to 1. Place", Connor told him patting his shoulder. "Can we hear some applause folks?" 

POV: Leo

When I woke up in the morning and saw snow out side weeeell..... I ran to school, arrived there 20 minutes before it started, built a bunker and tons of snowballs and waited. You guys probably think: why does a hot guy like Leo love snow? But I can explain. It's kinda tradition for us that the first time it snows in winter we make a giant snowball fight and when I say giant I mean giant. Oh this is gonna be good!

"Oh hi Leo your early, wait why do I have the feeling like I'm missing something?", Frank was the first to arrive and I think I saw Percy Jason and Nico in the back. "Hi Frank ready for the Snow ball?", I asked him with an innocent grin on my face. "Oh hell no, I really want to ask Hazel bu... Leo? Leo I really don't like that grin! What is going o..." "...fight!", I shouted and started throwing loads of snowballs at him.

When we entered school we where all completely wet and covered in snow shivering. Percy somehow stayed dry. 

"Morning , repair boy!" Calypso, sat down next to me. Oh shit.
So I was kinda avoiding her. Why cause I get really, like REALLY nervous around her. Thats new for me I usually don't get like this, it's just... I don't know what it is! I Probably have a crush on her or... "Maybe I'm in Love?" "Love?", Calypso asked. Ups I said that out loud didn't I? "In Love with who?", she urged. Jeez, why would she care about my love life? Unless... Nah. Or maybe? Oh well. "With... my self? Yeh that's right, everybody should love them selfes!", I answered her question. "Yeah, right", she mumbled, was that annoyance in her voice?

"Soooooo, who's taking you to the ball?", I casually asked her. The truth is I wanted to ask her, but didn't know how! "Don't know, but I better ask someone soon, the ball is in two weeks after all", she said then turned away to talk with Piper. What if someone else asked her before I did? The problem is if I don't ask her, someone else will, but if I ask her she always could say no...

My thoughts where interrupted by a small cough. I turned to see Gustav (or was it Karl?) stand in front of Calypso, handing her a Rose. "Ähem, dear Calypso, would you like to be my date to the Snowball?", he asked way to formally in my opinion, but maybe Calypso liked it. Should I be taking notes? "Uhm, thanks Marcus, but I'm not sure yet who I want to go with. I'l surely consider your offer." With that said Calypso turned on the spot and walked away. Marcus, I new that that was his name all along.

"Try topping that", a madly grinning Marcus said standing next to me. "She didn't even say Yes, why are you so sure she'll go with you?", I asked him feeling slightly *cough* mega *cough* aggrevated. "Not like she'll ask you", he countered and stalked of. I don't like that guy.

Soulmates AU PJO/HOONơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ