Chapter: 25

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Finally, this is the first chapter of the ball, enjoy

POV: Katie

"I don't know guys"
I turned away from the mirror and returned to the mega group call with the girls. We where all getting ready when Piper started the call asking about, actually I don't know anymore.
But now everyone was in the group call comforting each other.

I looked down the light green floor length dress I was wearing and swirled around a bit. The girls and I went dress shopping the day before and I had fallen in love with this one. But now I was in it I didn't know what to think. I myself liked it but what would others think, especially Travis opinion was important... STOP

How was I thinking about Travis opinion? I didn't even like him until a week ago. Or maybe several weeks, ANYWAYS it wasn't important what he thought. Not at all. They where just there as friends, just friends...
Sadly... Nope not thinking of that now!

"Don't worry girl you look amazing, anyways I can't wait for you guys to get over here. Firstly it looks like straight out of a fairytale, we did really good work if I may say so myself. And second, I have someone I would like you to meet", Calypso told us.
Since she's part of the organization team she was there already. Right now she was standing in a girls bathroom fixing her makeup and putting in her earrings.

Pipers doorbell went of.
"Oh my, sorry that's Jason! I'm so exited! You think he'll like the dress? Do I look good? I'm so exited!"

"It's gonna be okay, now get outta here, make him yours!"

"Annabeth!" "Go.", We all chimed in.

And with that she hung up the phone.

"Well I'll have to go to, have to check over everything one last time", Calypso told us packing away her mascara.
"Hey, who's taking you anyways?", Thalia asked fixing her suit.

(We couldn't get her into a dress, she's to stubborn!)

"You'll see"

"Oh is it that special someone, you want us to meet?", Reyna asked.

"You'll see", Calypso repeated with a mocking smile playing around her lips. And before any of us could say anything she left the call.

"Well I'm leaving too, I couldn't miss any embarrassing scenes of Pipes and my brother", Thalia said.

"Ugh, now your all going, I'll guess I should head on too, seriously if it weren't for y'all dragging me I wouldn't go", Annabeth sighed.

I personally thought she actually wanted to come, but I want to live so I didn't say that.
"Well I told Connor to meet me there and that was...", she checked her watch, "Oh my gods I have to go!", Rachel said and of she went.

Suddenly my doorbell rang.

"Uh, is that Travis?"
"Shut up, bye guys", I mumbled trying to hold back a blush. Failing by the way.

"I'll get it!", I yelled down to my mom. She opened anyways. As I hurried down the stairs I heard mom talking to Travis:

"Oh, hello you must be Travis! Katie won't shut up about you!"
Travis smirked at me I could see he had a snarky replied on his tongue so I quickly shut it down.

"About how annoying you are!" I threw my mom a glare. Demeter just smiled.

"So you guys have fun on your date!"
"It's not a date!" at the same time Travis said: "we will"

Wait. Did that mean it's a date?
No it's not, even if I kinda want it to be...

"You good to go?" "Yeah. yeah let's go, bye mom", I called over my shoulder as I stepped outside.

"Nice dress Gardener", he told me smirking down at me. I hate to admit it but even with heals he's still taller than me, but to my defence they weren't that high.

"Couldn't say the same Stoll, who the hell did your tie?", I asked raising an eyebrow at the weirdly noted band around his neck. Okay, he still looked like really good, but I wasn't gonna tell him that.

"Why, what's wrong with it, doesn't it belong this way?", he asked seriously seeming worried. That made me laugh.
"Here, let me help you out."
With that I untied the mess and retied it properly aware of his eyes on me the whole time.

POV: Nico

"Nico!", Dad yelled from the door, "Persephony, Bianca and I are going out, have fun at the Ball Haze! Bye!" And with that they left. I was sitting on the couch deciding what movie to watch, because I'd be alone for at least 4 hours. 

Hazel was upstairs getting ready for the ball! When I think about it I almost throw up, why did everyone get so exited? Will was probably there too... With some Girl, wait no he said he was gay too, soo with some guy..."How do I look?", Hazel questioned pulling me out of my thoughts.

I turned and saw hazel stand there in a knee length red dress with golden flakes. "Great! Frank will love it", I told her smirking. "Oh shut up" That's when the doorbell rang. "Speak of the devil", I mumbled, "Well Haze have a good night, don't get drunk" Hazel stared at me raising an eyebrow, "Nico why would I get drunk?" "Shh, I'm not finished, don't make out with Frank or anyone for that matter", I continued. "Nico!" "And last but not least, tell me everything later and I mean EVERYTHING!", I ended my speech.

"Uhm, Nico?", Hazel said, she had left the conversation to open the door. Something was wrong, looked over to where she stood and let's just say the person next to her wasn't Frank.

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