Chapter 3

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POV: Annabeth


I had just entered school, when Piper came running towards me, hands outstretched.
I sidestepped.
Piper ran straight into Jason Grace, her longtime crush. I barely could hold back a laugh, as I saw the two blushing like crazy. "Sorry...", Jason began but Piper cut him off "No, it was my fault. I was to exited too see my so called best friend again, I forgot she doesn't do hugs", Piper explained, while glaring at me. The boy next to me almost laughed off his head.
 I recognised him as Jasons cousin, Percy Jackson, who next to Jason was one of the 'hottest' guys in school. Really, half the girl population of the school had a crush on him.
Not me though.

Even though I had to admit, that he was really good looking, I just don't do love.
Not my thing.
I focus more on my studies, and anyways there is no storybook love like the ones everyone dreams of. And that soulmate stuff doesn't convince me either. Love was something the Universe invented to keep girls busy, but not with me.

Anyways Piper and Jason where still stammering around while Percy just caught himself from the laughing fit he just had. "So ehm.... see you in class", Piper ended the conversation and dragged me off to our lockers.
"Are. You. Serious!", she yelled at me. "They are still behind us so they probably just heard you", I told her calmly, while stuffing my bag into my locker.
Piper tried to calm down, it was hard for her, I could see that. "You knew he was there, didn't you?" she asked. "Of course I did, I pay very much attention to my surroundings", I told her.

She was about to reply, when Thalia and Hazel joined us. "Hey Annie, saw what you did it was epic!", Thalia said with a wide grin on her face. "Earth, would you be so kind to open up and swallow me?", Piper asked, as she leaned against her locker.
"I know. Don't call me Annie. Where were you anyways? You said we couldn't walk to school together?", I asked curious. "Oh that...", Thalia began.
 "Percys mom made Pancakes and we couldn't resist", Hazel told us. "Please forgive us", she asked while she did her Puppy eyes. Piper melted on the spot. "Of course we forgive you Haze!", she told her. Now Hazel turned to me, I sighed and said: "Haze you know those don't work on me. But I forgive you anyways."

----Time skip to first class----

My first class was maths with mrs. Dodds. That woman hated me for no particular reason. I had the class together with my friends Calypso and Reyna. Reyna does not have the Tattoo. Thalia had one once, but her Soulmate died about two years ago. She never actually met him, we just know because of her tattoo.

I sat down at my assigned table as the bell rang. I saw Calypso running in with the bell and taking a Seat across the classroom, she winked at me and Reyna as she sat down. Reyna sat to my right but the seat left to me was still empty. That changed about 3 seconds later. A boy with untamed black hair, sea green eyes and a lopsided grin sat down next to me. Percy Jackson. 

I didn't know much about him except that he's Thalia's and Hazels cousin and is friends with Jason. He was in one of the popular groups in school so we usually don't cross paths.

I snapped out of my thoughts by mrs. Dodds voice. "Nice that you could join us mr. Valdez she said. The boy who came in apologized but mrs. Dodds had no mercy she made him solve a problem on the board. The guy, I think his names Leo solved the problem within a minute, I didn't take much longer. I had solved the Problem in my head, while all my fellow classmates stared at the board with no clue. Percy gave Leo a thumbs up while he sat down.

Than mrs. Dodds started with the class."Now I have a Projekt prepared for you", she told us "The following two weeks you will try to figure out a Mathematik Problem that describes your partner and solve it. You must write down why you thought of the problem and how you can solve it", she explained. I was confused. What did this have to do with maths. Mrs. Dodds seemed to read my mind course she said: "I it would go after me we wouldn't have this little Projekt", she said that as if she really despised the idea of it. "But our Co Direktor Chiron wants you to get to know each other more. You will all work with your desk partner." she ended her endless speech.

I turned to Percy to see him grinning at me. "So I guess we're partners then", he said. "Not by choice", I really wasn't in the mood for jokes. "Rude. So I think first we should get to know each other more, favorite  color?", he asked "grey", I told him. "But that's so color less", he said. "Well it isn't really a color so it's normal that it's colorless", I told him. "So your a clever one aren't you?", he asked me a bit annoyed. I just shrugged. This would be a long year.

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