Chapter 11

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POV: Piper

— girls group chat— 

Beautyqueen: guys, you have to come over the sleepover starts in three hours, and we have to plan.

Annie: you mean plan plan or choose outfits out of your monster of a closet?

Beautyqueen:  Both!!!

Thals: Do I have to come?

Beautyqueen: Yes

Golden girl: I'm already out the door, I'm bringing Bianca. What about you Kates?

Flower girl: same

Rache: Almost there, but I'm bringing my own stuff. But thanks pipes.

Callie: I'll be a little late, I can join you in half an hour

RaRa: Pipes, you sure we have to dress up for this? Last time I checked this was a sleepover not a homecoming all

Beautyqueen:  first that's almost the same thing and second we're not even dressing up. By the way Silenas here to.

Annie: Hi Silena, I'm there in about 3 min. And 50sec.

Thals: Fine I'm coming

Clarie: Sorry, can't come see ya in three hours


I put away my phone and turned to Silena. "Please help me, Jason's at that sleepover and I don't want to humiliate myself", I blurted out before I could hold myself. "It's gonna be fine, no worries. If that guy doesn't like you for you, he has a problem with me. And anyways  who couldn't like you?" Silena was my half sister on my mother's side she was already in collage and had found her soulmate. She's amazing.

"Thanks", I told her and hugged her. Then the doorbell rang. "Race you down", Silena shouted. She had a head start but I had a few tricks. Instead of running down the stairs, I jumped on the railing and slid down. I did it everyday but it never got boring. I reached the door seconds before Silena did. "You win", she laughed.

I opened the door to find all my friends except Calypso and Clarisse standing before me. "Hey guys, come in" I stepped aside and they all filed in. They have bin here so often that they already make they're way up to my room as I closed the door.

"Soooo, let's do this", I sqealled. Bianca and Silena had went of to Silenas room. "Okay, okay please don't turn into Drew. So what are we starting with?", Calypso who just walked in asked. "Hi Callie right timing, before we get to the outfits we play a game.", I told them I had planed this with Hazel and it just had to work. "What is it?", Annabeth asked. "Well everyone gets a dare and has to do it for the sleepover, the person left to you chooses", I explained, we played this game very often and it was really fun. "I start" I straightened my ponytail and turned to my right.

"Katie, you have to get your outfit a bit dirty in front of Travis" a few gasped but Katie surprisingly stayed calm. 

"Had that planed anyway", she muttered, I didn't know why. "Okay Thals I want you to wait thre whole minutes before you can eat or take anything of the buffet." Thalia gasped. "No" "Yes, now move on"

"Haze, please sing defying gravity in front of Frank by karaoke", Thalia begged. "I wanted to sing that anyways" "Yes but I had to make sure that Frank watches" Hazel rolled her eyes and turned to Annabeth. Here goes nothing.

"Annabeth", she begann. "I don't like this", Annie muttered. "I dare you to sing tonight", Hazel said. Everyone turned to them. Annabeth was really quiet, to quiet. "I have to don't I?", she asks quietly. We nod.

"Okay Reyna....

The game went on ending with me having to talk to Jason at the sleepover. Great. Now there where the clothes. I usually don't get worked up over these things, it's just my crush is there and all the people whom I ship my friend with soooo......

—————time skip to the sleepover----------------

So now were here, we put our stuff in the corner and looked around. The sleepover took place here in the Gymnasium. I was kinda exited but also, we did this every year. I suspected that at least the half of us would go crazy until midnight, the other half would usually follow by trying to get the others to calm down. So yeah. And Karaoke?
 A disaster, some people like Drew think they're great, but everyones ears hurt when she attempts to hit a high note. So there goes our good grade, but it was usually fun, I could just hope not to fail.
Then again, about 30 Teenagers where alone in a school building without teachers. The only other living soul was the caretaker. And he couldn't care less.

Anyways we put up our little base, we do it every year. So when we are bored we can just lay down, talk and eat the snacks we saved. The others went of to examine the buffet, Annabeth and I stayed behind to secure no one took our place. "So you nervous you have to sing?", I asked softly trying to calm her down.
 "A bit, but I'm also kinda exited you know? And I have no idea what song to sing." I was about to respond when the others came.

"Hi guys", Percy had come up to us followed by Jason. Jason raised his hand an winked. "Hi Percy, hey Jason", my dare made me talk to him, why not do it now. Meanwhile the girls where back and the fellow boys had arrived. "So when does the buffet open?", Thalia asked."But your not allowed to...", Hazel began. "I have to count the seconds!" Hazel rolled her eyes but smiled.

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