Chapter 1

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 Percy POV:

Ring, Ring, Ring, I tried stopping the noise, but I couldn't find the button. I got annoyed, (seriously, why did humans ever invent that stuff?) grabbed the Alarm Clock, and threw it against the wall. It smashed. I shrugged in satisfaction, stood up and yawned. At least now I was awake. My phone buzzed, I got a message from Jason:

Sparky: hey, kelphead I'm almost at your house give me 5 min. If your mom made pancakes, I'll make it in 2.5

Kelphead: your in luck, mom just made some, but I can't say if there will be any left by the time your here...

Sparky: try me, it's on

Kelphead: see ya then:)

I put my phone away and tried to find something decent to wear. There weren't much outfits in my closet that I could wear. I ruined most of my clothes during the summer, they where either all dirty, or had holes in them. I decided on blue jeans and a blue hoodie (It was a miracle they weren't dirty, and anyways nothing ever was wrong with blue). After putting them on, I ran out of my room to get breakfast before Jason got here.

"Morning mom! Hi Estelle!", I yelled, while running down the stairs. "Well someone's in a haste", my mom said, while laughing "what's wrong?" "Well Jason found out you made pancakes, and by now Nico, Thalia and Hazel probably know too", I told her, while grabbing a Plate and shoving as many blue Pancakes on it as possible.
My mom and I have this joke with blue food, her famous blue chocolate chip cookies are the best.

My mom laughed, while I ate hastily. After three pancakes,I looked up too find Estelle staring at me „Whampft?" I asked her with a full mouth. She just giggled and said: "your funny"and ran out of the room laughing. Estelle is my half sister and I love her too bits, but sometimes I just don't get her. But what do you expect from a four year old? Just as I wanted to resume eating the pancakes, the Doorbell rang. "I'l get it!", I shouted, before bounding of in to the corridor.

We used to live in a small apartment with my stepfather Gabe, but mom broke up with him a few years ago. He was dreadful! But then she remarried, and now we live with my stepfather Paul and Estelle in a small house, in New York.

When I opened the door, sure enough my hungry cousins stood before me. "Hey guys!", I said while glaring at Jason, who just shrugged apologetically as if he wanted to say: "Sorry man..." I got called back into reality, as Nico shoved past me mumbling under his breath: "need to get to the Pancakes.""Nice to see you too Neeks!", I shouted after him as he went to find the Pancakes.

I turned back to Thalia, Jason and Hazel. "Sooo... what do you guys want?" They all ignored me and went strait for the pancakes. I have nice a family. I know. 

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