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Kill me now.

I mean I don't even want to know who my soulmate is anymore. I don't know who's idea this was, if it was the Gods, the universes or anyone else's. I only know one thing: It. Is. Not. Funny.

A sun.

I mean, are you serious? I'm literally the opposite, I'm practically part of the dead. I know they say opposites attract but I never believed in that nonsense.

My soulmate sounds like he's happy, like all the time. I definitely can't take that. 

And yes you heard me right when I said he, yes I'm gay. That must mean my soulmates is part of the queer community too, so I shouldn't worry about that, at least Hazel tells me not to...

Soulmates AU PJO/HOOМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя