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A few days on and Faye was back home with Stone, who was trying to look after her as much as he could. He'd missed a few band rehearsals, leaving Mike, Jeff, Dave and Eddie to practice without him, just so he could spend time with his girlfriend.

Stone was making a fresh pot of coffee in the kitchen, and buttering some toast for Faye, who was resting on the couch, bundled up in a blanket and her pyjamas, watching some MTV.

Faye had been unable to sleep, tossing and turning most of the night, the publisher on her mind and her miscarriage at the front of her thoughts. She would cry on and off, at times she wouldn't expect, her emotions completely over took, making her overwhelmed.

Stone walked into the lounge and handed Faye the plate of toast, and smiled at her as she moved her feet up on the couch, for Stone to sit beside her. She took the plate with a simple "Thank you", and Stone placed a cup of coffee on the coffee table for her, before heading out to the kitchen to get his caffeinated beverage.

Faye took a nibble of the golden brown bread, buttered to perfection, before Stone walked back into the lounge and sat beside her. He had his coffee mug in his left hand, and gently stoked Faye's feet that were under the blanket, a kind of reassurance to her that he was there for her.

"You don't have anything?" Faye said, noticing he only had coffee.

"Caffeine will be fine." Stone smiled back. "I'm not hungry."

Faye smiled and continued to eat her toast, but after one slice, she found herself full already and no longer was hungry.

"Are we okay?" Faye asked, who was a little worried about their relationship after the miscarriages.

Stone looked at her, furrowing his brows slightly, but smiling, a confused look at her question.

"Of course babe, why wouldn't we be?" Stone asked.

Faye shook her head and looked down.

"I feel like you're a little off with me since you found out about the other miscarriage." 

Stone relaxed his brows and moved closer to Faye, resting his chin on her chest, looking up at her with puppy dog eyes and a pout, which made Faye giggle.

"I'm not 'off' with you Faye....I just....I was worried about you. I thought you...." Stone said before pausing.

"Thought I? I was gonna..." Faye replied.

"Yeah....like....y'know....leave me. I thought I wouldn't see you again. I was worried about you. If I seem 'off' with you, it's not that I am. I was fucking scared." Stone admitted, as Faye stroked a strand of his long brown hair behind his ear.

"Awww babe." Faye replied, with a smile and her eyes welling up, tearful at his admittance. 

"I love you Faye. I find it hard to imagine life without you in it." Stone said before placing his hand on the back of her head and coming up to kiss her.

Their lips locked, sharing a slow, sensual kiss, with Stone caressing Faye's cheek with his thumb.

They pulled out of their kiss before ,looking at each other lustfully. Both their breathing heavy on their skin, cheeks flushed as their passion showed through.

"I'm sorry, we don't have to do anything....I just..." Stone began, before Faye moved in closer, and their lips met once more. She threw the blanket off of her, leaving her in her short pyjamas, as she and Stone made out on the couch.

"I want this." Faye said between a kiss.

"Are you sure? You've been through a lot, you need to rest." Stone stated.

Thru Fade Away - (Stone Gossard (Pearl Jam)X OFC)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora