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Faye stayed at Mike's all night as they enjoyed at least two more rounds of love making. Faye got up at about 8 the next morning and decided to go to a cafe just around the corner to get breakfast and coffee for both her and Mike. As soon as she ordered, a man behind her in the queue announced "I got this" and paid for her order as Faye went through her purse to find her money.

She turned to the man, recognising the distinct voice and realised who it was.


"Hey" Faye replied, both of them not really knowing where they stood with each other.

Stone ordered his coffee and while the baristas got both orders ready, both him and Faye stood to the side of the counter to wait.

"Thanks for paying...you really didn't have to." Faye said with an awkward smile. She felt kind of embarrassed as she had no make up on and her hair was thrown into a messy bun, with last night's clothing on. 

"You're welcome. Think of it as my apology." Stone replied.

"What for?" Faye said, acting all blase about the situation.

"You know, me acting like a dick yesterday. I think jealousy got the better of me. Is Mike okay? Not offended by what I said?" Stone said as a barista put his coffee down on the side for him to take.

"Honestly he didn't even mention anything. I don't think he was phased by it one bit. I'm sorry I didn't tell you I was bringing him, I don't know why I perceived your invite to mean plus one." Faye smiled.

"Hey, not a problem. It's all good." Stone replied. 

"I'm guessing you didn't mean everything you said yesterday at the venue?" Faye asked, taking the coffee that had been placed down for her.

"Oh no, I meant a few things. Just not the harsh remarks." Stone smirked knowing what she was referring to.

"So when you said..."

Stone just nodded. "I'm serious"

Faye caught her breath a little as she was taken a back by his admission.

"Can we catch up at some point? I think we need to talk." Faye asked, taking the food from her order before thanking the cafe staff.

They both head towards the door and Stone held the door open for Faye as they both left the cafe.

"Yeah that would be good. You free tomorrow?" Stone asked.

Faye looked into his hazel eyes and nodded.

"I have an hour for lunch tomorrow, if you wanted to meet?" Faye responded.

"Rad, meet here?" Stone asked.

"Sure. 1pm good?" Faye added, realising she and Stone wanted to salvage the pieces of their relationship.

Stone nodded in agreement.

"Well I better go, band meeting..." Stone says with a smile.

"Yeah same, gotta deliver breakfast to the boyfriend..." Faye giggled.

They didn't quite know how to end their chance meeting. Stone leaned in for a hug, not knowing if she would reciprocate it or not.

Faye did however, and they ended up kissing each other on the cheek in passing before stepping out of the embrace.

"See you tomorrow...and thanks again for paying." Faye smiled.

"Not a problem, see you tomorrow Faye." Stone winked before heading down the street.

Faye smiled widely as she walked in the other direction back to Mike's.

Faye let herself in with Mike's key that she had taken with her before she left and could smell the faint scent of cigarette smoke, alerting her to the fact Mike was awake.

She walked to the kitchen and plated up the food for her and Mike, before heading to the bedroom.

"Hey sleepy head." Faye said with a plate and a coffee cup in hand.

"Babe, you are a sight for sore eyes....don't tell me you got me breakfast too?" Mike said, sitting against the headboard of the bed, taking a draw of his cigarette.

"I may have..." Faye replied, before putting the coffee on the side and handing Mike the plate. 

Mike held the cigarette between his lips as he took the plate from Faye.

"Honestly babe, how did I get so fucking lucky?" Mike asked, adoring Faye.

"I was desperate one day" Faye laughed, absolutely joking with her remark.

"I'll take it...." Mike said, playing along.

"I'm just gonna grab my food and I'll be in." Faye said.

She joined Mike again in bed with her breakfast and her coffee.

"So, we gonna address the elephant in the room?" Mike asked as they both ate their eggs and bacon.

Faye looked a little confused. "What do you mean?"

"Your friend, you seem more than that....the way you were looking at him yesterday...come on, that's not just a friendly glance." Mike stated, before sipping on his latte.

"Stone? Oh we just go way back! We've been friends since we were young." Faye replies with a giggle.

"That's why he was staring daggers at me yesterday? Come on, he doesn't like me because I'm with you. It's obvious. The way you guys were looking at each other while he was on stage...I saw you guys clearly have feelings for each other." Mike says. "He was undressing you with his eyes up there."

"So that's why you started kissing me on the neck and wanted to get out of there early? Jeez, and I thought it was because you loved me...not because you were acting on your jealous insecurities." Faye replied.

"Of course I love you, I told you that yesterday." Mike said, looking a little frustrated. "I gotta apologise for wanting you all to myself?"

"No, of course not. Look, we aren't anything me and Stone. Just old friends and that's it. Please don't look at anything other than that." Faye replied.

Mike took his plate and put it on the side before getting up and throwing some jeans and a tee on.

"I need some fresh air." he said, walking out of the room.

Faye took a deep breath and sighed at Mike's remarks. "Jesus" she muttered to herself, before hearing the front door slam.

Faye felt thankful she didn't mention that Stone bought their breakfast and that they saw each other not long ago. She didn't realise it got to Mike. He didn't mention it the night before, in fact all she got from Mike was a genuine feeling of admiration and love, nothing that could be perceived as jealousy.

She now had two men jealous of each other, wanting to be the man in Faye's life.

Faye didn't know how this all happened in one day, but whatever it was, it was a mess.

Thru Fade Away - (Stone Gossard (Pearl Jam)X OFC)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat