
198 5 36


March 19th 1990

Faye and Stone were stirring at around 7am that morning, still in bed and loved up. It was months ago they were having a tough time after the miscarriage they had to accept, and after finally talking about it, they had come to understand each other and how the other felt during that time. It helped them to understand each other a little more and after, they were more loved up than ever. Just them, together in their perfect world. They wished they could be parents, and had planned to try again in the future, but right now they were happy spending their time together in their bliss.

The light beamed through the window, in an opening of the curtain, onto the bed sheets where it lightened up the room. Faye looked at Stone, their eyes both still heavy and half awake, but they both had sweet, gentle smiles.

Stone took her hand into his and brought the back of it to his lips and kissed the delicate skin as Faye giggled slightly. Faye stroked Stone's messy mane, and although sleep had roughed up his hair in the night, it was still soft and barely tangled as Faye ran her fingers through it.

Stone placed his hand on the back of Faye's head and pulled her closer to him, their lips meeting in a passionate kiss. Faye wrapped her right leg over his hips, feeling Stone's hard cock through his boxer shorts.

Suddenly the phone rang and they both sighed into their kiss, with a slight smirk.

"It's a little early..." Stone said as the two rested their foreheads together.

"You should get that." Faye teased with a cheeky grin.

"Okay...on one condition..." Stone replied, playing into her game.

"Oh yeah Mr Gossard....what would you have me do?" Faye pouted with doe eyes.

"You gotta go make coffee in the nude....make sure you bend over the counter..." Stone smiled.

The phone was in the kitchen and opposite the coffee maker, which was the reason for his request.

Faye giggled. "Okay, but by the time you get downstairs the phone is gonna stop ringing."

"Nope." Stone said and he got out of bed and headed downstairs to answer the call.

Faye got out of bed soon after and put on her dressing gown to walk down stairs. She heard Stone's voice turn from chirpy and upbeat to solemn and serious.

She walked over, her smile turning to a straight face as she saw Stone's. He was shocked, his eyes blinking every so often like he was taking something in, concentrating on something, his brows furrowed and his mouth agape as he listened to the person on the other end.

"Shit...when are they..?"

Faye put her hand on his back and rubbed it, standing with him, the look of concern unwaning.  

It had to be something to do with a family member or something, at least that's what Faye thought, as Stone's grandfather had been ill for some time, so she thought maybe that was the instance here. However it wasn't Stone's grandfather, or anyone in his family for that matter.

"I'll get there as soon as I can." he said. "Thanks man...fuck....I can't believe it..." 

His eyes looked to Faye, wide, and tears building.

"Yeah see you there." Stone said, before hanging up and putting the phone back on the hook.

"You okay baby?" Faye asked, realising things weren't going to be as pleasant as the start of their morning was.

Thru Fade Away - (Stone Gossard (Pearl Jam)X OFC)Where stories live. Discover now