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The next morning Faye walked into the lounge, with one of Mike's shirts around her, Mike smoking a joint on the couch, as he lay facing up, looking at the ceiling. Faye sat on the armchair and Mike smiled at her, acknowledging each other.

"Good morning." Faye smiled. "You got a pot of coffee brewed?"

"Morning babe, yeah a fresh one. I got reefer too if you're interested." Mike winked, now sitting up. 

"Sure, why the fuck not." Faye smiled as Mike moved his legs round to touch the floor, so Faye could take a seat next to him. He grabbed a pre rolled joint and gave it to her.

Faye put the stick between her index and middle fingers, before placing it between her lips. Mike lit the end for her before she took a deep draw of the weed.

Mike stared intently at he as she had her mouth over the joint, kinda turned on, the way he used to be when she took a long draw when they were together.

"God that's good." Faye said, exhaling the smoke.

Mike nodded. "Yeah...it is...."

He realised he was staring for a little too long before he looked away and stood up, trying to hide his very obvious erection.

Faye smiled and took another hit of the drug.

"You look nice by the way....In my shirt..." Mike smiled.

Faye looked at the clothing she was wearing, a white cotton button up shirt, which fell just above her knee, with the sleeves rolled up to the elbow.

"Oh yeah, sorry! I hope you don't mind...I had to get out of that dress last night and I was a little cold."

"I dig it...it looks better on you." Mike replied. "I'm gonna get some coffee, want some?" 

Faye nodded. "That would be amazing, thank you."

Mike wandered off to the kitchen to pour the both of them mugs of coffee, just before the door bell rang.

"Mike!" Faye called.

There was no reply, so she placed her joint balancing on the ashtray and got up to answer the door. She unlocked it and opened it.

"Hey Mike...." the voice said until he saw Faye. "Faye?"

"Stone?" Faye replied, the both of them in shock.

Stone looked at her, noticing the shirt that was definitely not hers.

"So you slept with Mike?" he asked, his eyes looking slightly confused, slightly sad and slightly angry.

"No, I didn't I came here last night because I didn't know where to go and I didn't want to be alone. We honestly did nothing." Faye responded, truthfully.

"So that's why you're wearing his shirt?" Stone asked, clearly peeved.

"No! It got cold last night so I found this in his wardrobe. What's up with you? You're the one that had some woman sitting on your knee!" Faye replied, with passive aggression. 

Stone shook his head, before Mike returned to the room.

"Who is it babe?" Mike asked, before looking at the door. "Oh hi Stone, you okay bud?"

"Yeah....fucking fine." he said simply. 

Mike realised what he meant as Stone's eyes darted from Mike to Faye.

"Oh this....honestly we did nothing. I let her have the bed and I slept on the couch." 

"You're fucking welcome to each other." Stone said with a pissed off attitude, before turning away and walking off.

Thru Fade Away - (Stone Gossard (Pearl Jam)X OFC)Where stories live. Discover now