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The evening came around and Stone kept thinking about Faye, despite being in the middle of a band rehearsal. Stone strummed on his Gibson Les Paul, not really enthused in his playing. Normally he'd be feeling the rhythm and dancing around a little, bobbing his head to the music as he played his guitar. 

Jeff noticed Stone's unusual behaviour and looked over to him, as he plucked away at his steel bass strings.

Mark turned around as he was singing and noticed Stone as he played a few wrong chords, which was very unlike him. Stone was normally the perfectionist, making sure every single note was exact and sounded the same everytime he played.

Alex stopped drumming and then Jeff seized playing his bass, until Stone realised it was just him playing. Bruce hadn't yet turned up, so it was only Stone on the guitar at this point.

He stopped and looked around.

"What? Why have you guys stopped?" Stone asked.

"Seriously?" Mark asked, getting frustrated. They had been at odds for a little while, not really agreeing on band decisions. 

"Come on man, give him a break..." Jeff said to Mark, knowing he would probably kick off.

"No man, you guys wanted me to buck up my ideas, then what the fuck is this? Perfectionist Gossard can't even play the right fucking chords after playing this song for how many years?" Mark replied, clearly not in the mood.

"I'm sorry. Wanna take it from the top?" Stone asked, coming back into the present.

"I'm going for a smoke outside." Mark said, grabbing his Marlboros from his pocket and walking out of the studio.

Jeff rolled his eyes and looked at Alex, who was already up from his kit, and walking outside to join Mark. He looked at Stone, who was putting his guitar down on the stand.

"What's going on with you? You don't normally play like that...Something's bugging you." Jeff said.

"That obvious huh?" Stone replied.

Jeff nodded. "Uh just a little...wait...which one is it this time? The brunette? The red head?"

Stone chuckled at Jeff's response, causing Jeff to smirk.

"Faye....it's Faye." Stone said simply.

"The girl who you have a thing for who's dating someone else? The cute blonde?" Jeff asked.

Stone nodded. "Yeah...we definitely caught up on stuff over the last day or so..."

"You dirty dog! I'm guessing her beau isn't aware?" Jeff replied.

"Actually....yeah he is...I just don't know where we stand. She told me she loved me...and I told her I loved her too, but I can't see her leaving this guy. They got a good thing." Stone explained. "I haven't been able to stop thinking about her...sounds cheesy I know, but I can't lie about how I feel."

"So this guy knows about you two? And he didn't throw a fit? How do you do it man?" Jeff smirks.

"It doesn't matter...he's a very forgiving guy I guess. Maybe I should go speak to him and clear the air. Things have been a little awkward knowing we both want the same woman." Stone said.

Jeff nodded "Probably a good thing to do, for all of you."

Alex came back a little panicked and with Mark nowhere in sight. 

"Where's Mark?" Jeff asked Alex, who took a deep breath.

"He got a cab and just left....I was like what the fuck do I do? I tried to stop him, but he said he was done with the band." Alex explained. "Bruce pulled up outside, but we haven't got a singer..."

Thru Fade Away - (Stone Gossard (Pearl Jam)X OFC)Where stories live. Discover now