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TRIGGER WARNING - Mentions of Suicide, depression and miscarriage.

The halls were quiet, the walls white and a clinical smell that was often associated with health centers and hospitals, was definitely present. Stone sat in the corridor, on one of the benches, outside the room where the paramedics and doctors had taken Faye. He clutched both his hands together, fingers entwined, placed on his mouth as he waited, eyes wide, concerned for his girlfriend. His leg was moving anxiously, frantically, as if he'd just drank six cups of coffee, but more like a comfort to him as his thoughts raced.

He hadn't told her mother, he hadn't told anyone about Faye, all he wanted to do was make sure she was okay. The wait was killing him. He wanted to get up and burst through the door, to check she was stable, to check she was breathing.

The door opened, Stone lowering his hands and looking straight at it. The doctor walked out with a clipboard and a white coat on, a middle aged gentleman with short black hair and a sympathetic look.

"Mr...Gossard?" He said as Stone stood immediately, wanting to know everything.

"Yeah...that's me." Stone replied. "How is she?"

The doctor nodded with a serious face and a slight smile.

"She's awake. We did a small surgery on her intestines, to release the build up of painkillers. She just has to take it easy over the next couple of days." The doctor mentioned as he looked over the notes.

"Thank god. Is she okay?" Stone asked, relieved but also still worried.

"She will be, but she needs to be careful. It looks as though she recently had a miscarriage, so she is extremely lucky she doesn't seem to have an infection." The doctor mentioned.

"Well not recently, but she had a miscarriage a while back." Stone added.

The doctor furrowed his brows and looked over his notes again, and found a page that had some info about Faye on it.

"A couple of Months ago." the doctor stated.

"That must be wrong...." Stone stated.

"I assure you Mr Gossard, we did tests and that's what we found." 

Stone showed confusion on his face. Faye couldn't have been pregnant, surely he would have told him as they were both trying? At least that's what he was thinking.

"Am I able to see her?" Stone asked, his eyes bloodshot where tears had been falling without anyone noticing, yet his irritated eyes told a different story.

The doctor nodded. "She will need to stay here for the night so we can check on her vitals, but you should be fine to stay with her."

Stone nodded. "Thank you."

The Healthcare professional lead Stone to the room where Faye was laying. She was pale and hooked up to an IV, her eyes weren't bright like they normally were and she looked sad, hopeless and lost.

As the door opened, Faye moved her head towards it to see Stone, who was wiping a stray tear away from his cheek, trying to be strong for her.

She managed a smile, but looked down as she did.

Stone walked over and took her face in his hands as he kissed her forehead. He then kissed her lips, Faye kissing back but feeling tired and disappointed in herself.

Some of the nurses in the room left to give them both some privacy and so they could talk, as they could see they needed to be together.

"Hey." Stone smiled.

Thru Fade Away - (Stone Gossard (Pearl Jam)X OFC)Where stories live. Discover now