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Trigger Warning! Mention of Drug Use

It was approaching 5pm and Faye decided to close the store 10 minutes early so she could be ready for her dinner with Mike. Luckily she always had some make up in her bag so she could reapply it if something unexpected were to be planned after work, and Mike loved it when she wore a particular red lipstick. It was almost her secret weapon if she wanted Mike to swoon over her or if she wanted a favour from him. 

She stood in the bathroom and applied her Dior Rouge 999 lipstick, a gift her mom got her for her last birthday which Faye had wanted for a while. She stayed within her lip line and blotted her lips with some tissue paper to remove any excess.

This lipstick applied to Faye's lips, had been in many situations with Mike. His lips, his cheeks, down his neck and his torso and also around his member where Faye had given him oral on many an occasion. The look of ecstasy on Mike's face as he looked down at his girlfriend, while she choked on his erection with that shade of red, got him off like nothing else. The red make up still lingered on his body as they became intimate.

Once she had reapplied her make up, Faye teased the roots of her hair a little, to give her locks a little more volume and texture, before smiling to herself in the mirror and leaving the bathroom. She put on her jacket and headed outside, locking the door before Mike pulled up outside the store.

Mike smirked at Faye, noticing the lipstick.

Faye opened the car door and got in, before kissing Mike on the lips. She teased him with a wink, her sultry eyes showing him what she desired that evening.

"You know I fucking love that shade on you....guess I'm getting lucky tonight." Mike said.

"Maybe..." Faye replied. "So where are we going?"

"I'm real tired babe, I was thinking we could just have a night in? Working nights at the video store has caught up with me." Mike responded.

Faye's bright smile faded a little as she realised that their date plans were being unofficially cancelled by Mike.

Hesitantly, she smiled slightly and nodded. She didn't want to make things any worse than they had been recently with Stone being back in the picture and Mike reacting the way he had done. Although Stone had acted the same way the night of the Green River show.

"Sure." she said, looking out of the window to her right. 

Mike realised that wasn't the answer she was looking for, but countered it with "Your choice of takeout...my treat", however all Faye did was continue to look out the window.

When they got back to Mike's, he grabbed a couple of beers from the fridge and took a flyer off the refrigerator for a few different takeout places. 

Faye went to the bathroom and wiped the red lipstick she expertly added to her lips off with some tissue paper. Once all the remnants of the pigment had gone from her lips, she threw the paper into the toilet and flushed it. She took a deep breath through her nose and exhaled out of her mouth.

When she returned to Mike, he was sitting on the couch, taking a swig of his beer and looking at the menus.

Mike looked up as she walked in. "Baby, what happened to the lipstick?" 

He instantly knew at this moment something was wrong as she stood in the door way.

"I don't need it if we are staying in." Faye said simply. Passive aggressive wasn't her normal attitude, but today was different.

Mike put his beer down and stood up, nearing Faye as he walked towards her. He cupped her cheek with his right hand and Faye placed her hand on top of his, melting into his touch. 

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