Chapter 16

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I was woken up by someone gently shaking me and calling me.


I slowly blinked, recognizing the voice. It was Zayvion, my eyes look at his before closing again.

"I'll be back, stay in the room. Do you understand?" Zayvion asked, gently shaking me.

"Yes." I mumbled.

"Repeat what I said." He said.

I sighed, "You said stay in here and don't leave." I spoke barely above a whisper.

Zayvion gave me a peck on the lips.

I softly smiled.

"You're such a good girl." He praised, pecking my lips again. I could feel my heart flutter.

He stood up and opened the door, "Bye Naomi, I'll see you later." He said, leaving.

Soon after, I fell asleep.


I wake up to the sun shining on my skin. I look around and I don't spot Zayvion. The events that occurred earlier cross my mind. I remember Zayvion leaving, I look at the clock and it's 7am.

I think for a little, wondering where he went. I slightly flinch as I hear a knock at the door. No way it was Zayvion. I refuse to answer the door knowing Lucas is loose.

Until I hear, "Naomi, it's me, Elena."

I get excited, speaking back quickly, "Give 5 minutes, please."

I run into the bathroom, brushing my teeth and washing my face. Then I run into the closet, putting on leggings so I'm not only in my panties and Zayvion's shirt.

I didn't want to look unpresentable in-front of the only person I can have a conversation with other than Zayvion

I open the door and eyes meet hers. We share a smile and I let her in, shutting the door.

"What are you doing here?" I ask, sitting on the bed and inviting her to do the same.

She accepts my invitation, sitting next to me, "Sir Zayvion told me last night that he'd be leaving this morning. He'll be back later on in the afternoon but he told me to accompany you." She explained.

I could explode with happiness, thank God I finally have someone to talk to.

We talk for an hour or so and I learn a lot about her. She was a human and she explained how some people who worked here were vampires. They were turned because they were trusted so heavily. I guess I expected it. I wasn't too surprised.

"We should go out shopping." Elena suddenly spoke.

"You know Zayvion won't allow i-"

"Shh. That's already handled. A guard already asked Zayvion if it was okay and he said yes." She said smiling. I smile too, feeling excited.

"Wow, okay! When do we leave?" I ask.

"Now if you want."

"Okay! Let's go." I said, standing up. She stood up too, grabbing my hand and leading me downstairs. We were next to a guard when she said "We'd like to go shopping now, can you go get my car?" She asked. The guard nodded, his face holding no emotion as he walks away.

After a few minutes the guard came back, "It's parked outside for you." He spoke.

Elena grabbed my hand and lead me to her car. It was a purple Jeep. I admired it as I got into the passenger seat. Elena got into the drivers seat.

She grabbed her purse and looked through it, "Fuck!" She exclaimed. "What's wrong?" I asked her.

"I left my card at home, can we go grab it?" She asked. I nodded, "You don't live at the mansion?" I asked.

"No, some maids do, some maids don't. I only clean on specific days so when I'm not there, I'm at home. Which is why my house is pretty close to the mansion. If I didn't work at the mansion, I'd never stay around here." She explains, driving away from the mansion. I nod at her explanation, looking out the window.

Only then did it hit me.. I was finally leaving the mansion without Zayvion. I was excited but extremely nervous. I think I'll get something for Zayvion at the store.

Maybe a cute plushie.

May not be what a man wants but hopefully he'll like it because it's from me.

After a few minutes we pulled up to her house. It was a lovely one story house. It had a little garden in the front yard. I looked around, noticing her neighbor outside, staring at us.

I felt uneasy, looking at Elena then back at him.

"Are you okay?" She asks, looking where I was looking, "Ah, him. He's weird. I believe he's a vampire," She whispered. "Only people who work for Zayvion live this close." She added on. "Do you want to come inside?" She suggests. I nod my head, stepping out the car when she does.

We walk to her door and she unlocks it, stepping inside. I step inside after her, noticing how it's slightly chilly in here.

I watch as she walks up to a door, knocking on it.

What is she doing?

I watch as the door opens, a shirtless man comes out.

Not just any man.

It was Lucas.

My breathing hitched as I attempted to stay calm. The tears were already threatening to spill. My legs felt like jello, as if they'd collapse any minute.

This can't be real.

I watched them as he pulled Elena into a passionate kiss. The sounds their mouths were making disgust me. I could see him groping her, I look down at the splint on my wrist.

Is now the best time to make a run for it?

Elena walks towards me, stopping infront of me.

"Naomi, Listen. I didn't want too but.. I'm sorry I-" Her words were cut off as I slapped her as hard as I could. I could tell I hurt her emotionally and physically, the slap caused my palm to sting.

Her teary eyes look at mine.

She brought me here and she's fucking crying?

She stops looking at me and looks behind her, she was looking at him.

I watch them, he nods and she nods back. She walks past me, exiting from the door behind me. I look at the ground as I hear her car start up.

She's.. leaving me here? With him?

I could hear her drive away and only then did my eyes look up at his.

Lucas had a cold, sadistic glare in his eyes, "Come here." He spoke. I couldn't. My legs wouldn't comply.

I did the only thing my mind was telling me to do. I opened the door behind me, and ran.

I had no clue where I was going. I ran on a dirt path, adrenaline pumping through my body.

I screamed, "HELP! SOMEONE!" Over and over again.

I eventually stopped screaming after a minute. I didn't want to get far away and Lucas could hear me screaming. I felt like I was clear.

I ran until I couldn't anymore.

More like until I felt someone tackle me.

I tried using my hands to brace my fall, only forgetting my forearm was broken.

I screamed out, as a jolt of pain shot through my arm, more tears dropping from my eyes.

Although I was laying on my stomach, I managed to take a look at the person who tackled me. Only to find out was the neighbor that was staring at me.

"No. No. No. Please get off of me." I struggled hard as he straddled me, keeping me in place.

"Awww you poor thing," He said laughing as I cried harder.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07 ⏰

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