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Zayvion looked down at me then looked at the man.

"Why the fuck are you here?" Zayvion said, making me flinch. His voice was deep and harsh. His voice sounds dangerous and it made a pit of anxiety and fear form in my stomach. "Didn't I tell you to return when you're ready to pay your debt?" He added.

"Yes sir, I was wondering if you'd take her instead of me paying you back full price— I can pay half. I caught her myself." Is this guy seriously using me to use me to pay his debt?

Zayvion clenched his jaw and looked down at me— his eyes intimidating and full of annoyance.

I'm the victim here— he's looking at me as if I did something.

"The fuck am I supposed to do with her?" He said, looking back up at the man.

"Your father told me you needed some sort of entertainment. So I figured catching some bitch would satisfy you. Not only that but she's also feisty. I'm sure you'll have fun toying around with her." The man spoke.

What the hell is wrong with them?

"If I don't like her, you pay me full price regardless." Zayvion said. "Yes sir." The man said, turning around to go back to his car.

"Come here." Zayvion said. I just sat there— zoned out, looking up at him. He was perfect. His eyes, his nose, his lips. And don't even get me started on his body.

"Are you fucking deaf?" He said breaking me out of my trance.

I stay silent, gulping.

He smirked and begin walking towards me. He bent down to get closer to me. "I see someone needs to be introduced to the rules." He said, pulling me by my wrist to make me stand. He towered over me.

I was 5'7 and he has to be 6'5 at least. He dragged me into the house and up multiple flights of stairs.

We were at a door, I'm assuming it was his bedroom. He opened the door and I was correct.

Zayvion dragged me inside then let go of me.

"What's your name?" He asked.

I cleared my throat before speaking. "Naomi." I replied. There was no point in lying.

"Alright, Naomi." He said. "The rules are simple. Number one is obey me. I own you now, you're mine. Number two is don't lie to me. Number three is don't disrespect me or anyone you meet here. Number five is don't try to escape." He added on.

I sigh hearing this. "What happens if I— break a rule?" I ask genuinely curious.

"I'll punish you." He replied, looking back at me, his gaze slightly darkened as I took a step back and gulped.

"Even if it was on accident?"

"Make no mistake, you'll learn, accident or not." He says coldly, his face stern.

Breaking eye contact, I looked around at his room to distract myself from his overwhelming presence. His room was better than any room I've been in. This mansion in general was just—

"Are you hungry?" Zayvion asked, interrupting my thoughts.

I nodded.

"Use your words." He said.

I looked at him and stared at him for a bit before replying.

"Yes, I'm hungry."

"Good girl."

I freeze— shocked at his praising. He's already having too much fun. "Don't call me th-"

"Someone will be bringing your food here shortly." He said cutting me off and exiting the room. Who does he think he is? I mean— do I really mind? Yes! Yes, I do mind.

I'll try to escape later on today. But first, I need some food in my stomach.

I sat on his bed, hopefully he doesn't mind. After about ten minutes a woman came in. She seemed to be in her mid fifties. "Here you go miss." She said, handing me out a plate. I gasped and smiled at it. It was something simple. It's a sandwich, strawberries, and chips. I've had worse shit so I'm grateful. "Thank you so much!" I exclaimed and took the food from her. She left the room and I had started eating.

Once I finished my food and I laid down. The door opened and I looked to see who entered. It was Zayvion. He sat next to me on the bed.

"Come here." He said in a calm and gentle voice. I sat up and shook my head. He clicked his tongue in disapproval, leaned over and pulled me onto his lap.

"Disobeying will only make your life harder than it has to be." He says, pulling his face closer to my neck. He sniffed my neck and sighed in pleasure. "Ready?" He added.

I was expecting him to bite me when all of a sudden he begin planting kisses on my neck. I immediately felt my face heat up. He then started to lick my neck.

"What are yo-" I was cut off by a sharp piercing pain. I whimpered, feeling a few tears build up in my eyes. I could hear him gulping, taking my blood.

He didn't attempt to hide the fact that he was enjoying my blood. He released soft hums of pleasure as he drank from me.

On the other hand, droplets of tears fell from my eyes.

This hurts—

After about two minutes he finally stopped. He licked the wound and pulled away. "That will heal in a few minutes. My saliva helps with that." I nodded weakly, feeling tired because of all the blood he took from me.

Zayvion slid me off of his lap and sat me next to him. "Get some rest, it's late. I'll return later." He said as he got up and left. I laid down and got comfortable. Within minutes I drifted off to sleep.

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