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As we started walking towards the back door, someone begin banging on the front door.

My heart dropped as I looked over at the door. Were those the scouts? Caleb opened the back door as quietly as he could. I followed behind him.

"You go to the pond, the one we always go to." Caleb said, gripping his shotgun.

"What if their leader is there?"

"I'll be fine. Go." He says, as he walks around to the front of the house.

Of course, I listen to him. This isn't the first time this has happened. The last time this happened, the leader wasn't there. The scouts leader is always a vampire. I run off deeper into the woods, going towards the pond. I heard a shotgun go off. I could also hear footsteps behind me, they were barely audible.

"There's another one!" I heard a man shout behind me. I ran as fast as I could.

Until I felt someone come into contact with me and tackle me onto the ground. I dropped the bag with the money in it.

"Fuck." I whispered, that shit really hurt. The guy got off of me and picked up one of my legs. He begin dragging me back towards the house. I thrashed around, trying to break free from the grip he had on my ankle.

"Let go of me!" I yelled, kicking him with my other foot. He ignored me. I kept kicking him til' he grabbed my other ankle. "Stop, bitch." The man spat at me. He continued dragging me til' we were in-front of the house. Where I was greeted by Caleb's lifeless body. I screamed in horror as I saw him. Tears quickly filling my eyes. Now I was completely alone.

"If you don't want to end up like your little friend, I suggest you behave." The guy holding me by my ankles said. I noticed there were two others. One in the drivers seat and one in the passenger seat.

The man who was holding my ankles finally let go. "Stand up." He said to me and I obeyed. I sniffled, as I was still crying. He got a little closer, and observed me. "You'll do." He simply said, as he started sniffing me. "You smell sweet as well." Um, ew? He had to be a scout leader. He then opened the truck and forced me inside and closed it.

I heard him get into the car and they started the car and pulled off. I began kicking on the wall that separated them and I.

"Let me go!" I yell, wiping the tears off my face.

"Shut the fuck up before I shove something in your mouth to make you shut up."

I instantly stopped kicking and laid in silence. There's no way of knowing what he truly meant by that.

I had fallen asleep and lost track of time. It feels like it's been hours and I'm hungry. Not only that but I'm getting extremely uncomfortable. I can't stretch out my body completely.

After about ten minutes, I felt the car come to a complete stop. I heard the doors open and close. Soon I was greeted by the same man who dragged me. He tried to pull me out of the trunk but I resisted. "Do you want to die?" He asked. I shook my head and climbed out of the trunk. He lifted me over his shoulder and I gasped by the sudden movement. We were inside of a gate. It led to a huge mansion.

He carried me to the door of the mansion and threw me on the floor of the porch. I winced as I landed on my side. "Stupid bitch." I whispered. I begin rubbing the side of thigh and stomach, trying to ease the pain. The man rung the doorbell and waited.

Not even a minute later, a man wearing a suit answered the door. I'm assuming he was a butler.

"Can I help you?" The butler asked.

"Um, can you tell Zayvion to come here. I got him a little gift." The man said looking down at me.

The butler pulled out a phone and begin calling someone. "Sir, Micheal is out here waiting for you." The butler said. "No Sir, he-" He paused. "I'm not sure." He said. "Alright." He said, before hanging up the phone.

Within a few seconds, the butler walked away and a young man was at the door. He had a perfect face but he looked super intimidating. I was practically gawking at him. This man has to be Zayvion.

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