Prisoners Need Love Too

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"You have nothing to say? Your father was shot and killed in his sleep last night."

"Fuck you. Where's my boyfriend?"

My face remained emotionless even though I was giddy inside.

Good riddance!

"The Harrison boy died. His parents pulled the plug on him this morning. Did you know that?"

"Fuck you. Where's my boyfriend?"

"Your boyfriend isn't going to save you."

My eyes met his. They ticked down and up, swiftly scanning his appearance. His suit was too big, his hair too thin, and the toothpick dangling from his mouth looked like it was trying to escape his gingivitis and halitosis.

I know we're not supposed to judge a book by its cover, but he screams desperation and dirty cop.

"I have a question, Detective Smart."

He sighed, "Go ahead."

"When your wife left you and took the kids, did she move in with the next-door neighbor?"

I didn't see the punch coming, but it was to be expected.

I'm so tired of getting punched in the face.

I pinched my nose in an attempt to stop the gushing. "You're such a stereotype," I said nasally.

"What do you mean by that?"

"Wife beater."

He raised his fist again when Jacob King interrupted us. "Please do not hit this young woman again. I assure you she will like it. He's ready to sign; please leave us."

He's ready to sign? Is he talking about Erik? If he is, then what is Erik signing?

Detective Smart and his wrinkled suit left without further rebuttal. Jacob took his spot and reached into his suit pocket slowly. I wanted to look away from him because I hated that he shared the same face as Erik, but I'd be forced to compartmentalize until I was cut loose.

"Cigarette?" he offered.

"No, thank you."

"Don't be a prude."

I narrowed my eyes at him questioningly. "I'm not being a prude. I'm pregnant, but you know this."

Jacob scoffed. "Helen was pregnant and smoked with Erik."

"That'll do it," I grumbled.

"Get off me! Get your fucking hands off of me!" I heard Erik yelling. I turned to look at the door before looking at Jacob. A slow grin spread, revealing perfect white teeth. "Fuck you, pig!"

"What are they doing to him? Where are they taking him?"

"To prison," Jacob replied casually.

I launched out of the chair and tried opening the door, but it was locked. I tried and tried again.

"Erik!...Erik!...Erik!" I shouted until my voice became hoarse, and tears streamed down my face. I whirled around and confronted my father-in-law. "Why are they taking him?"

"For Pastor Holmes' death, of course."

"Erik had nothing to do with that!" I shrilled.

"I know...because I killed him."

My mouth dropped in shock. I almost asked why before I stopped myself.

Because he's the Devil, that's why.

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