Sleepover Pt. 2

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I was surprised when I opened the door and my first guests were the Harrison brothers, sans Tucker.

Why did they come without Tucker?

"Hey, guys. You're a little early. I'm sorry it took so long for me to open the door. I just got out of the shower," I panted as if I were rushing to open the door and not keep them waiting.

"It's cool. We'll think of some way you can make it up to us," Fuller said with a wicked grin.

I returned his grin with my own. "I have a couple of ways in mind."

"That's what we like to hear," Colton piped up.

These pervs think they're so cool. They give me the ick. Thank goodness Erik set up cameras throughout the house to keep an eye on me.

"I bet. Where's Tucker?"

"Running behind. He'll be here soon. Are you gonna let us in?" Fuller asked.

"Only if you get the secret password correct." My eyes almost popped out of my head when he leaned in to kiss me. I turned my face right in the knick of time. His lips landed on my cheek instead. He pulled away, and I could see the fire in his eyes. He was embarrassed by my rejection, and I needed to smooth things over before the crap hit the fan. "Awe, don't look so upset. We're not there yet," I teased, sending him a wink. I grabbed his hand and pulled him into the house. Fuller seemed to visibly relax after a bit of reassurance. "Are you coming, Colt, or would you prefer to stay outside all night and miss out on the fun?"

He leaned down to whisper in my ear. "I like your strawberry pajamas. I bet you taste like them."

I had to swallow my disgust. "No, sorry. I've been told I taste like cotton candy."

"Fuck. I love cotton candy," he groaned.

"Most people do. Come in."

I rolled my eyes when he stole a cheek kiss and strolled to the kitchen with two 24-packs of beer that were tucked underneath his arms.

"So...are you here by yourself?" Fuller asked as I led him to the kitchen after securing the front door.

"Of course not." He didn't even try to hide the look of disappointment on his face.

"Who's here?" Colton asked, popping the tab of one of the beers.

"I have an older cousin from out of town who's visiting, but he promised not to bother us."

As if to send my message home, Erik flushed a toilet upstairs.

"Why didn't you mention that earlier?" Fuller pressed, irritation punching through his voice.

He's so angry that he can't get me alone to take advantage of me. This is why I don't feel sorry for them.

I raised an eyebrow. "Um...did I have to? Would you not have come if you knew I wasn't alone?"

He chuckled and reached for a beer. "Nah, it's nothing like that. I just don't want anybody starting shit, you know?"

"That's hilarious, Fuller," I said, giggling.

"What's so funny?" he asked indignantly.

"You should be the last person talking about starting crap. You sent my ex to the hospital."

"I don't know what you're talking about," he lied.

I rolled my eyes. I knew if I couldn't get the truth out of Fuller that I would be able to get it out of Colton.

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