Pick Your Battles Wisely

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"Where the hell is this girl at?" I asked myself, leaning against the hood of my car as I finished the last of my cigarette. I inhaled the smoke, allowing it to infiltrate my lungs before smoothly exhaling. I had to savor it—take my time with it...make love to it because it would be my last cigarette until the end of football season.

Jezebel thought it would be a good idea if I joined the football team. She said it would give me something better to do than terrorize her, and I could put it on my college resume.

I'd previously considered joining the football team to knock Tucker on his ass and embarrass him but gave up on my little venture. Tucker was a bitch, and he wasn't a threat to me. I agreed to join the football team under one condition. Jezebel had to join Student Council to learn how to assert herself and work with others. Dr. Moreno suggested I join Student Council for the same reasons, but I had no desire to "work with others," and I wouldn't waste my time listening to their bullshit suggestions.

The familiar sound of Tucker's gas guzzler interrupted my moment of serenity. My mouth parted, and the cigarette fell to the ground when my eyes landed on the passenger—none other than Jezebel Shae King.

Typically, people froze in fear, but I was frozen in anger. My feet remained planted on the black asphalt—my anger, too much to contain, seeped out of me and slipped through the cracks in the ground like invasive poisonous roots. They were naïve and vulnerable, neither of them knowing how much danger they were in. Whatever happened to them would be Jezebel's fault. Tucker was a simping idiot and had proven he'd do anything to get in Jezebel's good graces. He didn't know any better.

Oh, look. He's opening the truck door for her. How chivalrous.

I seethed in silence as I watched from afar. Tucker rushed to grab her pink backpack and matching lunchbox like he was the fucking valet. I sucked my teeth when Jezebel reached back into the vehicle, returning with a Frappuccino that Tucker most likely bought her.

"That bitch," I growled.

As if she had a sixth sense, Jezebel turned to look over her shoulder, made direct eye contact with me, and took a long sip from her drink.

"I'm fucking you up," I mouthed to her.


I entered the sorry excuse of a school and was immediately assaulted by the buzz of gossip regarding Jezebel and Tucker's unprecedented entrance. I made a beeline toward Jezebel's locker, where I found her putting away her belongings. Thankfully, Tucker was nowhere in sight. I didn't need his interference. I would deal with him later.

"Walk with me," I demanded.

"Where?" Jezebel asked, taking another pull from her drink.

"Somewhere private so we can have a little chat."

"No, thank you."

"That wasn't a request," I said, poking her in the back with my knife.

"Erik...I'm not going to fall for the finger in the back thing again. Grow up." Jezebel's mouth dropped, and she squeaked when the tip of the blade bore into her flesh. It wasn't deep, but deep enough for her to realize I wasn't fucking around. "You don't want to do this, Erik," Jezebel whimpered, dropping her frappe onto the floor.

"I don't do anything I don't want to do. Shut the fuck up, and let's go."

The halls had already begun to empty as our classmates rushed to their classes, fearful of the dreaded tardy bell.

"I-I'm not allowed in here," Jezebel protested once we shoved through the door of the boy's restroom. No one was at the urinals, and after a quick peek underneath the stalls, I confirmed we were alone and locked the door. "I'm bleeding," Jezebel whimpered, pulling her hand away from her back. She examined her shaking hand. I closed in on her. "S-stay away from me, Erik. I'm warning you."

Her warning was enough to stop me in my tracks. Not because of fear but because the idea of Jezebel warning me was hilarious.

"You're warning me?"

"That's right," she whispered, backing into a sink.

"Fuck you, Jezebel. You threw your pedophile dad down the stairs, and now you think you're tough sh—"

I dropped my knife, and my hands immediately flew to my neck. The little bitch chopped me in my Adam's Apple. I thought I couldn't breathe before until she kicked me in my dick, dropping me to the floor. Black spots appeared before my eyes, and for a brief moment, I passed out. I was awoken when Jezebel dumped water on my face. She squatted in front of me, tucking her dress beneath her.

"Yes, Erik. I threw my pedophile dad down the stairs, meaning I'd do the same to you and get away with it. Do you want to know why?"

"Why?" I croaked, struggling to talk.

"Because I'm quiet and innocent Jezebel Holmes, and you're...you're...hmph, you know what you are. Today should be a wake-up call for you, Erik. If you don't treat me right, someone else might be willing to step up. Despite how much your ego lies to you, you're not the only guy on Planet Earth. You're rich and extremely attractive, but you have nothing else to offer. You should be grateful I'm keeping you around," Jezebel said coldly.

Jezebel stood to her feet with a groan, ran her hands down her dress, and fluffed up her afro puffs before exiting the bathroom, leaving me on the floor, wondering why I allowed her to kick my ass using the moves I taught her.

Jezebel Shae King was a dangerous woman.


"Thank you. Have a good day," I wished the student I assisted with their book checkout. I was concerned about my first day back after the fight; however, it went smoothly, except for my run-in with Erik. Shockingly, I didn't hear a peep out of him for the rest of the day. He was around, watching me and lurking in the shadows like a vampire, but he didn't speak to me. Never in a million years did I think Erik Anderson King would be afraid of me.

Ashlynn and her deviant friends returned to school today after serving their expulsion. They kept a wide berth, but I could overhear them in the locker room whisper how I was a slut for entertaining both Erik and Tucker. Their lips really started flapping when I dressed out and they caught a peek at my new undergarments.


"How can I help you, Tucker?" I asked in an unamused tone.

I have two stalkers at this point.

"Did you give any thought to my earlier proposition?"

I sighed and stood to my feet. "Tucker, I'm sorry that Erik did what he did, but I can't honor your request."

"Jezebel, he smashed my windshield and threw the flowers in my truck. I won't press charges if you go on a date with me."

"No, I will not go on a date with you."

"Is it because of our past? I'm trying to make amends for that."

"And I appreciate that, but I can't. I'm dating Erik."

Tucker snorted, and I waited for him to say something childish.

"He threw you out of his truck this morning."

"And you spent the last six years making my life miserable," I reminded him. "Honestly, I think it's a waste to press charges. Erik will get off with a slap on the wrist and maybe have to pay a fine, but then he'll retaliate. Trust me, Tucker. It's not worth it."

"I'm not afraid of him."

I nodded my head and returned a book to my cart.

"It's as they say, you mess with the bull, you get the horns."


Author's Corner

The next chapter will be from Tucker's POV. He better listen to Jezebel because Erik likes her and still stuck her in the back.

Erik should tread lightly around Jezebel. I think she really put things in perspective for him.

Also, Jezebel and Erik's first NSFW scene is two chapters away 🤤

The next update on Wattpad will be 03/05/2023.

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