The Library

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"I need your help, Jezebel. I'm looking for a book."

This can't be happening.

I immediately began looking for the nearest exit. To my knowledge, we were alone, and the hairs that rose on the back of my neck and the goosebumps that littered my arms warned me I was in danger. Tucker was my worst nightmare in front of others. I couldn't imagine what he'd do to me out of the public eye.

"Are you okay?" Tucker asked, waving his hand in my face. His face slackened when I flinched so hard that I almost fell out of my swivel chair. "What the fuck is wrong with you? I'm not going to hurt you."

Did he get hit a little too hard on the football field during P.E.?

I never got the "I'm not going to hurt you" vibes from Tucker. It was always "I'm going to hurt you really bad" vibes.

Please, God. If you're listening to me. A fire drill will be great right about now.

Five seconds passed, and I was met by complete silence instead of the manic shrill of the fire alarm.

It's okay, God. Maybe next time.

"W-what book are you looking for?" I quietly whispered as I avoided direct eye contact with him. I pulled up the virtual library search engine on the computer and patiently waited.

"I have to do a book report on a book of my choosing, but I'm stumped. I don't want to do anything predictable and overdone like The Lord of the Flies or To Kill a Mockingbird. Can you do me a solid and help me find a book?"


Is what I wanted to say, but Tucker could tattle on me if I didn't help him. It was in my job description to assist students with book-related questions, and the last thing I wanted was to be relieved of my duties.

"As wonderful as it is to stare at you all day, I got shit to do. Get a move on," Tucker demanded.

I couldn't help it when my eyebrows knitted together, and my head lolled to the side.

I'm so confused.

"Stop looking at me like that. You remind me of my Beagle puppy."

"I-I-I'm sorry," I stuttered as I shakily rose to my feet.

"Don't be. Beagles are cute. Her name is Pippi; like Pippi Longstockings because of her ears."

I don't remember asking.

"That's...nice," I said, offering him a forced cordial smile.

"Do you want to see a picture?" Tucker offered as he dug in the back pocket of his shorts for his cell phone.

"Um, that's not necess–"

"She's adorable," Tucker said, almost giddily, as he shoved his cell phone in my face.

I have to admit...she was pretty cute with her floppy ears.

"Do you have a pet?" Tucker inquired as I rounded the circulation desk.

"I do not. My father won't allow animals in the house."

"That's a bummer," Tucker sympathized. I nodded my head as I slowly perused the aisles. "If you could have any pet, what would it be?"

I get what's going on. Tucker and his friends are playing a cruel joke on me. They had to be because no way is Tucker Harrison actively attempting to engage me in meaningless conversation.

"What would you get? Dog? Cat? Ferret?"

"A kitten...a little black one."

"Why? Is it because you're Black?"

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