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"I think we should link up after school."

"I don't," I replied to the boy who was seconds away from getting his head split by Erik's cane.

"C'mon. We'll get something to eat and catch a movie, and then after that...."

"I have a boyfriend."

"Where is he? I don't see him."

"You might not see me, but you'll feel me if you don't leave my girlfriend alone," Erik growled from behind him. The persistent teen whirled around, unaware that Erik had been lurking in the library's shadows, quietly watching, ready to intervene at any moment.

"The hell is your problem, man? Back the hell up."

"I don't have a problem, but my girl told you she had a boyfriend. So, either your ears aren't fucking working, or your brain is smoother than a bowling ball. You want to take my girl out on a date? Then you're taking us both on a date. What're you in the mood to eat, Squeak Baby?"

"Pizza," I drawled, not wanting to get my hopes up.

"You hear that? We're in the mood for pizza."

"Fuck this shit," the kid spat before storming out of the library.

"Thank you," I sighed. Erik grunted in response. "You need to sit down and take that weight off your knee, King."

"I'm fine, Jezebel," Erik snapped.

"I guess...I won't be getting that after-school special after all."

I hummed in contentment when Erik found a seat and parked it but groaned when more students filed into the library. I never had this much traffic in the library before, but the students couldn't help but gawk at me like I was a sideshow attraction.

"Aye. If you weird fucks are coming in here to stare at or talk to my girlfriend, then you might as well get the fuck out. If you insist on staying, then I'll follow you around the library like a rent-a-cop with a plastic badge." I shook my head when all six of them swiftly exited. "October can't come fast enough. You need to get back in those ugly ass dresses and stockings."

"No kidding," I mumbled. It had only been a day, and I was already over the attention, both positive and negative.

Girls who contributed to making my life miserable suddenly wanted to talk to me for one reason or another. Some wanted to know the driving force behind my radical makeover; others wanted to know where I purchased my clothes. A few invited me to sit with them at lunch, and a handful asked me to join clubs. I signed up for Student Council and nearly maced the cheer captain for inviting me to join the cheer squad.

And I thought Erik had all the audacity in the world.

On the opposite end were the girls whose hate for me increased by tenfold. Ashlynn, of course, was the ringleader. It was no surprise when a rumor began circulating that I had a sugar daddy, and I exchanged sexual favors for money. I couldn't refute the destructive claim because Erik fit in that category. We did sexual things with each other, and he paid my bills, bought me whatever I wanted, and gave me a hefty allowance. After second period, I became puzzled when multiple guys approached me and asked for my OF. Confused, I texted Erik and asked what it meant. He responded with an extremely graphic explanation and sent a link. I refused to open it. I threw my cell phone into my purse when he asked if we could start our own.

I used the restroom after third period and was not impressed when someone wrote "Jezebel Holmes is a f-word slut" on the bathroom stall wall. I retrieved a marker from my backpack and inserted 'pretty' before the two bad words. Truthfully, I wasn't that offended. I'd much rather be called a slut and a whore than ugly and fat any day of the week.

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