Good Girls do Bad Things

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"I'm sorry...what?" Jezebel softly asked, befuddled eyes searching, trying to make sense of it all.

"We need to break up."

"You're...breaking up with me?" she asked.

"Yes," I answered firmly.

"Okay," she replied, repeatedly clearing her throat as she untangled her luscious body parts from mine. Curiously, I watched her leave the bedroom. I wondered what she was about to do. It didn't take long for Jezebel to return with my computer monitor, keyboard, and mouse. It was comical watching her trip and stumble over the cords. I held back a laugh when she threw my shit on the floor in front of the window. She left and returned momentarily with the desktop tower.

"What are you doing, Squeak?"

"My name is Jezebel!" she snapped, sliding up the window.

Her Jezebel spirit is about to come out. My dick is already hard.

"What are you doing, Jezebel?"

"What does it look like I'm doing? I'm helping you move."

"Are you really going to throw my shit out the window?" Jezebel answered by heaving the tower out the window. The monitor, keyboard, and mouse followed the loud crash. "That setup cost me a couple grand, you know?"

"Good thing you have plenty of money to replace it," she replied with a nasty sneer. The poor girl didn't even know she was setting herself up.

"You're gonna owe me back, and I'm not talking in dollars and cents."

Jezebel refused to heed my warning. My stereo went effortlessly flying out of the window next.

Her Jezebel spirit must've given her the strength to do that because how she managed that is beyond me.

Jezebel spent the next several minutes snatching my clothes off of the hangers. She made several trips to the bathroom, and I knew what was coming next. The stringent smell of bleach permeated the air.

I know I'm not one to talk, but this girl isn't right in the head. She's doing all of this, and I haven't even cheated on her. She'd probably light my ass on fire if I did. She will feel like shit when she realizes we're not breaking up.

"Are you done?" I asked when she emerged from the restroom with freshly pink splotches on my favorite t-shirt.

"No, I'm not done yet. You're next," she threatened.

"Domestic violence is never the answer," I responded mockingly.

"You think this is a joke? It's not funny, Erik! You forced me into this relationship with you, putting a target on my back. I've gotten jumped, and now I have Tucker breathing down my neck—add his demented brothers, whom I'm sure would've raped me and left me dead in the woods, and you think you're going to leave me like that?!" she roared.

"You're just like my mother."

"And now you're insulting me!"

"Insulting you? My mother is a great woman. A little hotheaded, manipulative, and quick to strike down her enemies—all good things." I swung my legs over the side of her giant pink bed and carefully stood. "We're not breaking up, Squeak."

"We're not?"

"Well...yes and no. We need to make everyone believe we're broken up," I explained as I hobbled towards her.

"W-why would we do that?" she asked, slowly backing away from me.

I grinned. The realization of what she did began settling in. I pinched her cheek, causing her to hiss in pain.

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