Jezebel's Wrath

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Early update. Happy Valentine's Day, y'all!


A Few Days Later

I plugged a finger into my ear, trying to drown out the pulsing music coming from Erik's game room. The hospital's social worker attempted to review my father's discharge plans with me. "I'm sorry. Can you please repeat that?" I asked, huddling in my bathroom.

"Your father still has a few surgeries to go, but as long as there are no complications, he can be discharged to a skilled nursing facility."

"How long will he be admitted to the facility?"

"Give or take six months, possibly longer. It all depends on his recovery progress. In my experience, the insurance company will try to kick him out as soon as medically possible."

I paused to count the months on my finger. That would mean my father could possibly return home in February.

I'll use these six months to get a job and find my own place—and no, Erik Anderson King is not invited.

"Thank you for the update. Is there anything else?"

There was a brief pause.

"I noticed that you haven't come to visit your father. He asks about you when he's lucid. Do you think you'll be able to visit soon? I believe support from loved ones helps speed up the healing process."

"Good thing no one asked for your opinion," I replied harshly before hanging up the phone. "What is wrong with me?" I whispered.

I hissed when pain clenched my temples. I had a headache named Erik King. I left the bathroom and stormed towards the guest room across the hallway that Erik designated his game room. I opened the bedroom door and found him sitting in a gaming chair in front of a giant computer screen with his gamer headphones on. Music blared from his sound system, making my ears ache to the point I was fearful they'd bleed.

"What the fuck are you doing?" Erik growled, ripping his headphones off after I shut his music off.


"Turn it back on," he demanded.

"No. It's enough that you always play this Devil music in the house, but on Sunday? No. Plus, it's getting late, and we have school tomorrow. I need to study, and I can't do that if you have the music up on full blast."

Erik threw the controller on the desk and stood to his full height. I knew what he was about to do. He plans on using his size to intimidate me, but my days of shrinking away are over.

Just as I expected, Erik towered over me with a menacing glare. "Turn the fucking music back on."

"No. This is my house, and I have rules. It's past 8:00 in the evening, and I don't appreciate your music. If you want to listen to your music, then do it with your headphones."

Erik grabbed me by the collar of my dress and tugged me impossibly close to him until I could feel his breath fanning my face.

My father did this to me all the time. Erik will have to step his game up.

" glad I love you," Erik whispered before devastating me with a gentle kiss.

"You don't love me," I rebutted once he pulled away.

"I do."

"This is not love."

"Maybe I like it rough?"

"I don't."

He released me without another word. I left the game room and returned to my bedroom, thankful for the peace and quiet.

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