Chapter 1 - we want war

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"Do you see, what I see?"

165 years ago the sky fell apart.
Millions of stars were burning – scattering - smoldering in the heat of the atmosphere.

Humans from all over were witnessing this mysterious outcome,
until they burned to the ground in the eye of the spectacle,
only leaving corpses behind.

As the sky fell apart,
the world fell apart with it.

On this day half of humanity vanished.
It was also the day the gods disappeared.

Today in the year 3190,
somewhere in Belra, cold continent

She still recalled how ice and snow used to be a soft comfort against her skin—an old remedy for loneliness but also her own rare taste of home—but now, right here, it only left her feeling empty.
She really hoped all this was worth it.


Kat whispered out under her breath, biting at her lip to keep herself occupied, the struggle to stay awake getting to her.

They still follow me. It's been nine days, and they are still after me, these bastards.

Her mind was sizzling; she didn't sleep for three days in a row.

If this keeps up, I will never make it to Neo Nova.

It didn't help the matter that it was freezing outside and her fingernails felt like she could rip them out anytime. Besides, she couldn't hide in this shabby bar forever. The smell was terrible, like every pore of this awful place was screaming desperation. Old furniture—probably older than herself—was ripping apart at the seams. It sure has seen better days. The people weren't looking so happy to be in here either, but it was still better than nothing.

Kat was sitting in the back corner, with the wall to her back and the door to her front. Here, she could watch everybody as they came and went. It was the perfect spot for a smooth escape.
However, these guys who were sitting at the bar right now didn't seem to want to leave her alone anytime soon.

Nine days. Nine long, tiring days have passed since she escaped from the New Moscow sanatorium. Her pursuers were still on the back of her neck; she didn't even steal anything significant in the first place. So why were they still onto her? The only information she could get out of that place wasn't even helpful at all.

What the hell was "pepper" even supposed to be?
The only word that was mentioned more than dinner in this god forsaken place was pepper, but did it really mean anything? She couldn't remember when she infiltrated this place if 'pepper' was a code word or an actual person.

It was three days ago when she first stepped foot into Belra. Noticing these guys everywhere she went made her nervous. She had to know if they were really after her or just every day faces that were somehow familiar.

When she spotted the bar, she could test them out. If they followed her in, she was sure they were not just random guys. Besides, she couldn't feel her legs anymore from this hellish cold and would do anything for a hot tea. Hence, the bar it was.

She kept watching them from afar. They weren't really subtile with their staring. She wasn't so sure anymore if these were really the men who kept chasing her all the way from New Moscow to Belra.

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