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A beautiful autumn day had befallen the quiet town you lived in, and you decided it'd be nice for you and the kids to go on a nice walk through the fallen leaves.

"Hey dad, why don't the trees have leaves anymore?"
Power asked.

"Well Power, when it gets cold in fall, the trees don't want to use too much energy, so they let them fall off,"
You explained.

"So they're lazy?"
She rationalized.

"I guess that's a way to put it. I like to think of it as them taking a much needed rest,"
You didn't want your daughter being ungrateful to the trees.

She accepted your answer, and ran forward to play with Denji.

The path you walked on wasn't too far from other houses, with them being seen pretty close by. But still, the path still somehow felt like it's own magical forest tucked away from the advancements of mankind.

At some point you reached a wooden bridge, and that's when Aki spotted something under the leaves.

It was solid black, and shaped weirdly.

He held the object in his hands and came to a terrible realization of what it was.

Nervousness filled his spine as he thought of all the possible scenarios. What if this was a murder weapon? What if it was cursed?

"Hey Aki, what you got there?"
You tapped his shoulder, startling him.

He turned around in surprise, and a loud noise could heard throughout the town. The birds flew out of the trees in shock, and all seemed quiet for a moment.

And then everything went black.


I got bored so I had you get shot. Wow (SPOILER) he's kinda like the gun fiend here (not really)

Father of three (Little!CSM + Male reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon