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A few months had passed since you'd enrolled Aki in school, and you had to say, his adaptability really surprised you!

The young boy really enjoyed being able to play with his friends, and the schoolwork was a good distraction from all the sad stuff in his life.

You'd met his friend, Angel, a little boy with long red hair, but you were still yet to meet his parents.

"Have fun at school Aki!"

Your son gave you one last hug,
"Bye dad, love you,"

"Love you too!"

And then he was off to the sanctuary of learning.


It was a Saturday afternoon when you heard a loud knock was heard coming from your front door.

"Dad, who is it?"

You pat your son's head,
"I don't know yet Aki. Stay here, I'll go check,"

He nodded and you went to the front door, peeking through the peephole.


You slowly opened the door and kindly greeted the officer.

"Hello officer, what brings you here?"

He pulled out a notepad, staring at it before looking back up at you,
"You're (f/n) (l/n), correct?"

You nodded your head, and the officer pointed back to his car.

"There's someone I'd like you to meet,"

He led you to the car, and through the window you saw a boy who somehow seemed annoyed, scared, and curious all at the same time.

Oh, he also had a weird looking dog in his arms.

"When we found him he was all beat up, apparently his father got tangled up with a gang and they went after the boy when he died,"

What the hell was wrong with people?! How could they target an innocent little boy?

"You're the only one in the area registered as a foster parent, so he'll be staying with you for a while,"

You blinked in confusion,
"What? I withdrew myself from the system when I adopted my son,"

He sighed,
"Well you're the only one with official qualifications. It's not gonna be permanent, you'll just have him until we find someone who can adopt him,"

It wasn't really in your life plans to have more than one child at any time, but you just felt so bad for the little boy.

"Okay. I'll do it,"

"Great. I'll get you his documents, in the meantime you should introduce yourself,"

He opened the door which slightly surprised the boy.

"Hi there little boy! I'm (f/n) (l/n), but you can call me Mister (f/n) if you'd like. What's your name?"

He slightly scooted away from you before glaring,
"Why do you wanna know?"

Father of three (Little!CSM + Male reader)Where stories live. Discover now