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Denji yelled before leaving the house with Aki.

It seems like Denji had grown attached enough to power for him to give her a nickname, which was nice, even if it was a bit uninspired.

"Where're they going? I wanna go with them!"

She ran for the door, but you caught her by the collar of her shirt.

"Uh uh little miss, I haven't enrolled you in school yet,"

She said with suspicion.

"Yup! They go there to learn and talk with friends, and then they come home,"

Hm. She wasn't quite sure if she'd like to go.

"Anyways, it's time for me to take Pochita for his walk. Get ready and we'll go,"

She nodded in confirmation and ran to her room to find an outfit suitable for the day. Normally you'd walk Pochita while Aki and Denji went to school, but now that you had Power, you had to bring her with you.

She liked these walks, something interesting would always pop up, whether it'd be a branch that looked like a dagger, or a cool looking bug that you'd have to stop her from eating.

As you walked on the sidewalk, Power suddenly decided to questioned.

"Hey mister, why don't you have a wife?"

You almost choked on your own saliva. You cleared your throat before asking,
"What makes you bring that up, Power?"

"Well on TV, all the families have a mama and a papa, but this family only has a papa,"

Well she was definitely observant, you had to give her that.

"I never married a woman, or had a child with one,"

"Then how did you get the other two?"
She questioned.

Then she gasped,
"Did you make them in a lab? Did you buy them from the baby store?! ARE THEY ALIENS?!"

You quieted the girl down, not wanting to make a scene out in public.
"I adopted them, Power,"

"Whazzat mean?"

You sighed,
"It means that they lost the parents they had before, and I signed up to be their new parent,"

"Is that why they don't look like you?"
She asked.

"Yes Power, it is,"

There was one more question she wanted to ask, but was too afraid of what the answer would be. Even if she didn't quite show it in a conventional way, she liked her new family.


"Hey Aki, I got you something from the store!"

You held out a stylized white fox plushie, giving it to your son.

"Thanks. Did you get something for Denji and Power too?"

You put a finger to your lips,
"Shh! Don't let them hear!"

He raised a brow, confused.

"I realized that Denji has Pochita, and Power has Nyanko, but you don't have an animal friend. I also don't want to adopt an actual animal, so I thought it'd be a nice substitute!"

He looked down at the plushie in his arms, then back up at you.

The plushie was very fluffy and soft, it felt nice to hug it. You were right, he did feel a bit left out not having his own animal companion, but it wasn't too much of a concern to him. But still, you saw how it made him feel, and decided to act.

That's why he liked being your son so much. You cared about him just as much as you did the others.

He dropped the plushie and hugged you tightly,
"Thank you, dad,"

You hugged him back,
"Of course, son,"


"Hey you! How did you get adopted?"
Power said while pointing at Denji.

The boy stopped playing with his dog to look at the girl,
"Why do you wanna know?"

"Cuz I wanna be adopted too!"

The little boy gasped, excitedly standing up and approaching his soon to be sister.
"Really?! That means you're gonna be my little sister!"

"Hey, how come I have to be little?!"

Denji crossed his arms,
"Cuz I'm older than you!"


"Nuh uh yourself!"

The two began to bicker before eventually forgetting what they were even arguing about.

"I'm sure he's gonna adopt you! You've already been here for like, ever!"

"You sure?"

Denji smiled confidently,
"I know it! My dad's the nicest person in the whole universe! Of course he'll adopt you!"

Denji's words helped soothe some of the girl's nerves, and they both began talking about what life would be like if she officially joined your family.

Denji was very excited that he'd have a sister. His brother was already really cool, and now he'd have a sister too! The way he saw it, the more the merrier.

You thought to yourself from the next room.

You heard everything. Your two youngest children were not the quiet types.

You'd already finished some of the paperwork to adopt power into your family, but along the way you kind of got distracted and forgot about it.

Aki heard the conversation from his room as well, and although he knew the girl would be trouble, he also couldn't help but hope you'd take her in.

As long as you wouldn't neglect him, of course.


Hey y'all are you ready to be a single parent of three and do you want Kishibe to be there more because currently I am thinking of just making him appear like every four chapters or smth

THIS DOESNT MEAN YOULL ROMANCE HIM unless enough of you want to I think I will just make him annoying

Father of three (Little!CSM + Male reader)Where stories live. Discover now