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"Have fun at Kendo practice Aki, stay safe!"

"I will dad, bye!"

"Bye Aki!"
"Bye Aki!"

Denji and Power said goodbye to their older brother as he got out of the car in his Kendo uniform.

He'd taken a liking to the sport, and repeatedly showed up for practice even when many of the other children would try their hardest to skip out of it.

He just liked how he felt with the bamboo sword in his hands, and how it got him into a more focused headspace.

He found that some of the mental practice of Kendo were able to apply to his day to day life, helping him remain calmer in some scenarios.

Mr. Kishibe was nice too, even though it could be annoying when he asked him about his dad.

Get the hint man, you're not into him!

How could you blame Kishibe though, you were a very attractive single father.

Something else he liked about Kendo was that it was something special and unique to him. Denji and Power didn't do it, just him. He liked the feeling of having something for himself, though he'd never let anyone hear about that.

He also liked beating people.

His first Kendo tournament would be next week, and he was determined to make you proud by winning.

He knew that you wouldn't be disappointed if he lost, and would probably say something like "I'm just proud that you tried your best!" Or "you did your best, and that's all that matters. I'll be proud of you no matter what!"

Even if you wouldn't be disappointed at him losing, he knew that winning would still be so much better.

Kishibe also hoped Aki would win. If Aki won, then maybe you'd see that he was an amazing instructor and go out with him! (Not gonna happen).


"Kids, say hi to Aunti Quanxi! She's a very old friend of mine,"

Denji and Power hid behind you as you greeted your friend.

"You're making me sound a lot older than I am,"
She said, kneeling down so she'd be eye level with your kids.

She tilted her head and gave them a slight smile, trying not to scare them. She held out her hand,
"Nice to meet you,"

They both cowered away from her, hiding behind your legs more.

To them, she seemed very cool and pretty, and was therefore very intimidating.

"Ah, sorry about them, they're not always too keen on meeting new people,"
You reasoned.

You looked down at your children,
"Denji, Power, why don't you go play in the living room?"

They looked up at you, then your friend, and then left.

"Cute kids,"

"I know right? C'mon, I've got some new patio chairs I'd like to use,"

Father of three (Little!CSM + Male reader)Where stories live. Discover now