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Thanks for 20k+ reads! I hope you enjoy taking care of the kiddos

"Okay you two, do you remember what to do?"

The two youngest both nodded at their older brother in confirmation.

"Okay, let's go then,"

As you sipped some water, you noticed your three children shyly walking towards you. What did they want now?

"Hey dad, we were wondering if we could go to this?"

Aki handed you a flyer, and the three of them immediately started telling you reasons they should go.

"I ate all my veggies!"
"I can clip Pochita's nails!"
"I can wash the dishes!"

You examined the flyer.

Kendo Club
Tuesdays and Thursdays at [place]
Try it out for free this Saturday!

You got a bad feeling about this club. Not in a someone will die kind of way but in a someone will annoy you kind of way. But seeing the pleading expressions of your three amazing children, you couldn't deny them.

"Okay, I'll take you, and you don't have to do any of the stuff you said you would,"

The three children cheered, but then you interjected.

"Except you, Power. You gotta keep eating your veggies,"

"Aw man,"
She said disappointedly.

Well at least she'd still get to go to kendo club.


"Welcome parents and children! I'm the instructor, Kishibe, and I'll be guiding your children through the art of Kendo,"


But then you had a thought. Maybe he'd stay professional during this, and wouldn't try to hook up with you? That'd be great!

Just as you thought that, he looked over to you and gave you a wink.


Other than that though, he kept the flirting to a minimum, showing the children how Kendo worked.

"Here I've got practice Kendo sticks for everyone. Don't worry parents, they're just foam rods!"

He demonstrated their safety by slamming one of the foam rods into his head, not a sign of pain showing through.

The children all lined up to get their foam rods, and your three children seemed especially happy.

"Cool! It's just like a sword! Pow-Pow, let's duel!"
Denji exclaimed.

He and his sister immediately ignored all of Kishibe's instructions so they could play fight, though their older brother remained focused, watching his instructor's every move.

He felt so cool going through all the movements!

It wasn't exactly like sword fighting like he'd imagined, but he still really enjoyed it.

"Doing pretty good there, kid,"

Aki beamed with pride at the praise,
"Thanks, Mr. Kishibe!"

"Soon you can call me fath-"

You cut off the man,
"You can call him Uncle Kishibe!"

He complained.

You rolled your eyes,
"Sure you aren't,"

Before the two of you could get into an argument, Aki looked up at Kishibe to ask him a question.

"Hey Mr- I mean, Uncle Kishibe, how do I do [kendo thing]?"

Okay, maybe he did like being called uncle. Hearing the young boy call him that while asking for guidance was just too precious!

"Well young Aki, first you've gotta..."

He guided Aki through the motions, giving him helpful tips until your son felt comfortable with the movements.

"You're a fast learner, kid,"


You were absolutely delighted to see Aki excelling at something he seemed to genuinely enjoyed, and already envisioned him partaking in Kendo in high school. You'd have to be careful about it though, you didn't want him to feel pressured into it.

Meanwhile, Denji and Power realized that they weren't really cut out for Kendo. There were way too many rules!

In the end, you only ended up signing Aki up for Kendo lessons, making both him and Kishibe very happy. Every Kendo lesson meant another opportunity for the man to rizz you up, though you'd most likely ignore his attempts.

"Here kid, your uniform. Make sure to wear it to practice,"
Kishibe handed your son a brand new kendo uniform inside of a sealed plastic bag, and the shine in your son's eyes made every choice you'd made worth it.

He hugged it close to his chest and smiled with a nod, walking home with it in his arms the whole way.

He'd definitely enjoy Kendo.

Instead of normal swords he'll be using a bamboo sword

I'm gonna keep having Kishibe fail to rizz you up because I think that's funny (DOESNT MEAN YOU WILL ROMANCE HIM (PROBABLY))

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