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Denji enjoyed living with you, though he spent most of his time with your son, still not fully trusting you.

He'd do anything possible to not be in a room alone with you, and you couldn't really blame him for that. All of his previous abusers were grown men, so him being hesitant to trust you was to be expected.

Denji would hesitate to accept anything from you, usually having to rationalize it in a way that made it seem like he was winning at something, and that he wasn't accepting your charity.

Every time you'd show affection to your son, whether it be a kiss on the forehead or a hug, Denji would stand there awkwardly, almost as if he was trying to make sure you wouldn't harm his new friend.

It'd been a week or two now, and his distrust of you was beginning to make you worried.

Sooner or later you'd need to do something that'd require him to trust you, like getting his vaccines, patching up any wounds, or carrying him when he was tired.

But nothing you could do was able to convince him that you weren't like the horrible men who'd hurt him.

At least he was grateful for his food.


"Mmm... g'morning Pochita..."

They boy waited for a response, but heard no barks.

His eyes slowly opened, and to his dismay, his dog was nowhere to be seen.

Denji immediately sat up, scanning the room for any traces of his beloved dog, but found nothing. He checked the closet, under the bed, even in the drawer! But still, nothing.

Then a horrifying thought manifested in his young mind.

What if you did something to Pochita?

He ran out of his room to the dining room, seeing you doing something to Pochita.

"Hey you! Get away from him!"

He rushed over to you, grabbing his dog off of your lap and holding him defensively.

"Denji? What's gotten into you?"

The boy glared at you,
"You can't just go and steal people's dogs! Especially this one! You were doing weird things to him, weren't you?!"

You sighed,
"Denji, I was brushing his fur, and I'll have you know that Pochita went to me himself,"


As Denji set Pochita on the ground, he went into a state of shock as he saw his companion trot over to you before jumping back onto your lap to be brushed.

Watching Denji stare at you, you decided to offer him,
"I could brush your hair too if you'd like? I'd use a human brush of course,"

He thought about it for a moment, and after a bark of endorsement from Pochita, he reluctantly nodded his hair.

You pulled a stool in front of you and signed for him to take a seat. He was a bit hesitant to have his back turned toward you, but decided to risk it.

You slowly brought the hair brush to his head, combing through his hair gently.

His hair was pretty knotted, so you took your time making sure you weren't gonna hurt him in any way.

The little boy was quite shocked to find out how comforting something like having your hair brushed could feel. With each stroke of the brush, he felt his previous troubles melting away. Not to mention his head felt nice with his hair combed.

"There, didn't that feel nice?"

Denji turned his head toward you with a suspicious look, though he wasn't able to hide the pleasure on his face.

"Yeah... but don't think I'm not onto you! C'mon Pochita!"

The boy and his dog retreated to their domain.

You sighed, it seems that you made progress, but only a little.

From the corner of your eye you could see your son standing there as if he wanted something, but was too afraid to ask.

A smile formed on your lips as you extended an arm out to him,
"Want me to brush your hair too, Aki?"

A relieved expression was shown on his face as he walked towards you,
"Yes please,"

Even though you'd been his adoptive father for a while, Aki was still a bit shy when it came to acts of affection like this.

"How've you been doing, Aki? I know we've had some pretty big changes lately,"

He thought for a moment before answering,
"I'm fine. That boy and his dog are loud though..."

You chuckled as you continued brushing his hair,
"That's true. Hopefully they'll settle down soon enough,"

He smiled at the thought.

Maybe it'd be nice having a little brother again.


Father of three (Little!CSM + Male reader)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz