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You were a bit shocked when you felt something hugging onto you when you woke up, but you quickly calmed down when you realized it was Denji. This wasn't too surprising as he was often plagued by nightmares or just bad dreams in general.

It seems like he decided not to wake you up this time though, which was a first. You weren't quite sure that behavior was something to be encouraged though. Yeah it'd be comforting just being the presence of someone who made you feel safe, but having that person awake to soothe you would be even better.

Also could you imagine a sad little Denji just hugging onto you in your sleep? You wouldn't be able to comfort him at all!

The little boy had a slight frown on his face while he slept, so you wrapped an arm around him in hopes of providing some comfort. You succeeded in this goal as the unpleasant expression slowly faded away.

You stared at your digital clock, the robotic red light letting you know it was around four AM.

Then, your door opened. It stayed like that for a moment before shutting. Then it opened again.

From the corner of your eye, you saw your son, Aki, waiting at the door. It seemed like he was quite hesitant.

"Aki? C'mere honey, what do you need?"

He made his way over to you before explaining himself.
"I had a bad dream so I came here. But Denji's already..."

"You're too young to be sacrificing your comfort for somebody else. C'mon in the bed Aki, there's more that enough room for you,"

The boy hurriedly got into bed, enjoying your warmth.

You were now sleeping in between the two boys, trying to help both of the boys sleep well. Being a parent sure was hard work, but the way the boys trusted and loved you so much just made your heart swell.


It'd been about a month and a half since Denji came to your home, and in that time you were happy to see that he'd physically appeared healthier, not seeming as frail as before.

It also helped that he was a very good eater, almost always asking for seconds whenever he finished his first meal, and you couldn't really blame him. From what you could put together, it seemed like food wasn't always readily available the way he used to live.

"Hey mister, can I have more please?"

You raised a brow,
"You sure Denji? You've already had two plates, and I don't want you to spoil your appetite for dinner,"

A slight pout emerged on his eyes,

You sighed as you gave him another plate of food. The absolute adorableness of your children was something they both knew you were extremely weak to.

At least eating food was better than not eating at all. Neither of the kids were too picky with their food which made things pretty easy.

After Denji finished up his food, Aki took all the dirty plates from the table and brought them over to the sink. You were about to praise him for helping, but then you noticed him to begin to actually wash the dishes.

You walked over to the sink,
"Aki, what're you doing?"

"I'm washing the dishes,"

You stared at him with a raised eyebrow.

"I wanna help,"

You shook your head,
"I know you want to help, and I appreciate it, but you can leave the chores to me, Aki,"

You put a hand on your head,
"You should spend your time having fun or relaxing,"

The boy pouted,
"Are you sure I can even help a little bit?"

A chuckle escaped you as you kissed the top of his head,
"You've already helped enough, dear. Though you could make your bed right now,"

He paused for a moment before giving his answer,
"...I'm good,"

And then he ran off to the backyard, presumably to play with Denji and Pochita.

It brought you so much joy that the two (three) of them got along, it'd make the whole adoption process a lot easier. Yeah, you figured enough time had passed for you to adopt Denji and Pochita and officially make them part of your family.

Part of it was also that you didn't know how Denji would adapt to a whole new family considering how attached he'd gotten to you.


It was late at night when Denji heard someone knocking on the front door. Curious as to who it'd be, he crept out of his room and made his way to the dining room, seeing you sitting down with someone familiar, and someone he couldn't recognize.

The familiar person, it was the police officer who brought him here!

But who was that other person?

He watched you signing some papers while saying some things to them. He didn't understand most of it, but he heard his name, and it seemed important.

Then a horrifying thought came across his mind.

Were you getting rid of him?!

He ran over to you and hugged you tightly,
"Don't get rid of me! I don't wanna go!"

"Denji!? You're awake?"

"I'm sorry I ate a third plate of food! Please let me and Pochita stay!"

You sat the boy on your lap and wiped away the tears that threatened to spill from his eyes.

"Denji, that's not what I'm doing. I'm trying to adopt you right now,"

He sniffled before tilting his head,

"It means I'm making you my son, just like Aki,"

He held onto your face with his small hands, staring into your eyes to he'd be able to tell if you were lying,

You smiled,

All of the panic in the little boy dissipated as he heard this, and his lack of sleep finally caught up to him as he fell asleep right on top of you.

It was defined a bit unconventional to sign adoption forms with the adoptee sleeping on top of the adopter, but hey, it worked.

With the signs formed, the officer and caseworker left your home, letting you put your son to bed for the second time that night.

You kissed his forehead,
"Good night, Denji,"


Ty for all the reads and votes you are all amazing 💪💪💪

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