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A community barbecue was being held at the park tonight, and you felt like it'd be a good opportunity for the children to learn that even if it was dark out, the night wasn't so bad.

They'd be able to play with the other neighborhood children and eat yummy food, so it seemed like the perfect plan!

Even if Kishibe somehow made it into the barbecue even though he didn't live here, it was still nice seeing them play with the other children.

You saw from the corner of your eye that Aki was telling his red haired friend about his kendo practice, with him motioning the movements to him.

"Just one date, please!"

You put your hand up,
"I've told you this once, and I'm telling you again, I'm not gonna be your rebound,"


You interjected,
"Is that Quanxi over there? I should tell her to come over!"

In fear of being annihilated, Kishibe ran off, determined to flirt with you another time.


You squinted to see Denji playing with a boy with an octopus plush and two girls who seemed like twins. Little Denji's first friend group! You couldn't be prouder.

(KIND OF SPOILER FOR THE MANGA: The octopus boy is Yoshida from the manga and then the twin girls are Asa and the war devil (also from the manga))

The only thing missing was... Power.

Your heartbeat accelerated as you scanned the barbecue, finding no sign of your pinkish blonde haired daughter.

You ran about the park looking for any trace of your daughter, but you had no luck.

The only place left to check was the wooded forestry area nearby.

You quickly told some of the other parents to keep an eye on your children as you ran into the forest with a flashlight, searching for any trace of your daughter. She must've been so scared!


"Mwah ha ha! Fear me creatures of the forest, for I am your doom!"
The girl laughed wickedly as she stomped about the forest, not noticing how dark it was.

Eventually she paused, looking up at the moon. It was so bright! If it really was cheese like Denji said, then she wanted to take a bite of it.

She returned her attention to the forest, and quickly realized just how dark it was.

She could barely see what was in front of her, and the fear of being caught by something other worldly began to creep in.

She heard a branch snap and yelped in fear, and ended up falling backwards into a pile of leaves.

Her eyes darted around, looking for any signs of other humans, but there was nothing.

She was alone in the dark, lost in the woods.

Everything was so scary, every sound, every vibration in the earth, every small breeze. She wanted to go home!

Tears began uncharacteristically falling out of her eyes as she sobbed.

"Papa... I want my papa!"

If only you were with her. She knew you'd be able to make everything better, you always did!

Why weren't you here when she needed you most?


You yelled out, probably sounding like a lunatic to any bystanders.

Where in the world was your daughter? You never should've taken your eyes off of her, especially her!

"I want my papa!"

You heard the girl's cries for help, and immediately rushed over to them, not too concerned if it was actually a monster mimicking her.

You found your daughter sitting on leaves, her legs curled up to her chest as she cried.


She looked up to you with a distressed expression, and you immediately picked her up into your arms.

"It's okay Power, I'm here, Papa's here for you,"

She sobbed into your shirt while you comforted her, also trying to navigate your way back out of the forest.

"It was so scary, I was all alone!"

"Shh shh, it's alright now, you're safe,"

She ended up spending the rest of the barbecue sitting on your lap, clinging onto you for life.

She refused to tell anyone what happened to her, and was glad that you did the same, not wanting anyone to think she was weak.

When you put her to bed, you could tell she was uncomfortable, but five seconds after you turned her light off, she came running out of her room, hugging onto your leg.

"I don't like the dark, it's scary!,"

You thought for a moment, then realized you had the perfect solution.

You took her to her room, and plugged a nightlight into the wall, turning it on.

It gave off a warm glow, small enough to sleep comfortably, but bright enough to prevent the girl from getting flashbacks to her horrible time in the forest earlier.

"Goodnight, Power. If you still feel scared, you can come to my room, okay?"

"Okay! G'night, papa!"

You gave her a kiss on the forehead and left.


Both her and Denji ended up coming to your room that night, both of them hugging onto you tightly.

Well, this is what you signed up for.

And you wouldn't have it any other way.


Childhood trauma because I wanted her to be afraid of the dark like in the actual thing

Father of three (Little!CSM + Male reader)Where stories live. Discover now