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"My cigarettes!"
Kishibe cried out as you stomped on the box.

"What the hell, I just bought those!"
He looked at you angrily.

You rolled your eyes,
"You teach my kid Kendo, and unfortunately for me, it seems he looks up to you. I don't want him picking up any bad habits, and I don't need you dying of lung cancer on him, alright?"

You handed him a wad of cash,
"Here, this should cover the costs,"

Then the most shit-eating grin you'd ever seen appeared on his face.
"You care about me. That's why you're doing this!"

"Where the hell did you get that idea from? I'm going home now,"


It was too late, you'd already driven off.

You'll get him next time, Kishibe!

No he wouldn't.


"Here you go Aki, apple slices cut like a bunny, just like you wanted,"

You placed the plate of apples in front of him, and he thanked you.

But there was a slight dissatisfaction in his eyes that you couldn't ignore.

"What's wrong?"

His eyes widened a bit in shock before he regained his composure,
"It's nothing,"

You stared at him suspiciously.

He cracked soon after that.
"I wanted to learn how to make them, not just have them..."

"I'm sorry Aki, I must've misheard you when you asked,"
You were pretty sure he didn't ask to learn how to make them, but on the off chance that he might've, you didn't want to invalidate or gaslight him.

"Let's get started, shall we?"

He smiled with a nod, hopping off his chair to follow you to the kitchen.

"First you've got to wash the apple,"

He did as he was instructed.

"Then we have to cut it into slices,"

You stood behind your son, carefully maneuvering his hands around so the knife would be able to cut the apple in half without harming him.

"Press down really hard, make sure your hand isn't in the way, and keep your eyes opened,"

The boy pressed on the knife with all his light, and was delighted to see that he was able to cut the apple in half.

"Now we've got to cut it into slices,"

You let him cut a slice or two before finishing up the rest of the apple for him, wanting to speed things along.

"Now take the slice, and score a V into it by pressing the knife onto the skin,"

He did as you said while you supervised.

To be honest, this whole thing was nerve racking for you. In your opinion, he was a bit too young to be using a knife, though that was probably due to your overprotective nature.

But you couldn't deny him this.

"I'm sorry Aki, but you'll just have to watch me do this next part, it's a bit dangerous if you're not careful,"

He was disappointed, but still trusted you.

"Slide the knife under the skin, and cut to the V we made. Then lift the ears up a little and... voila!"

You handed him the bunny, and he beamed with pride. He helped make this!

"You can also press the seeds into the sides for eyes, but make sure not to eat those,"

He was very happy for multiple reasons. One was because he learned how to make bunny apples, another was because he got to eat the bunny apples, and the last was because he got to spend quality time with you.

He got everything he wanted!

That night, Aki dreamed of an older version of himself, one old enough to use the knife without supervision. He cut up apples for you, Denji, and Power, and you all were so happy.

What a nice dream.



Father of three (Little!CSM + Male reader)Where stories live. Discover now