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"Flour... water... sugar... perfect!"

The boy mixed the ingredients together in a small bowl until they'd fully incorporated into a off white sludge.

"It's finished! Okay Pochita, let's bring this to dad. He's gonna be so happy!"

He carefully brought the bowl of sweet slop over to your room, waiting patiently at your bedside for you to wake up.

Eventually you awoke, gasping as you did so.

"Good morning Denji, Pochita,"
You said with a a yawn, stretching your arms.

"G'morning dad! Look what I made you!"

As your vision adjusted to the daylight, you squinted at the contents of Denji's bowl.

"Wow Denji, that's certainly... something. Mind telling me what it is?"

He smiled brightly as he held it closer to you,
"It's cake! Or at least it's kinda the same thing. Me and Pochita used to have it all the time before we came here!"

You frowned slighlty, taking a sniff. It didn't smell too unpleasant, but there wasn't any lifetime where you'd eat that.

"Denji, what'd you put in this?"

"Flour, water, and sugar!"

You frowned again.
"You know it's dangerous to eat uncooked flour, right?"

He tilted his head, confused,
"Huh? Why?"

"There're evil things lurking in it, and the only way to get rid of them is to cook them,"

You got out of bed and patted the boy's head,
"How about we turn what you've made into a real cake?"

His eyes lit up,
"Really?! Like a real cake, like the ones in the ads?"

"Have I not given you cake before? I've really failed as a father then. C'mon, let's get to the kitchen,"

He followed you happily with his flour and sugar mixture, Pochita trailing behind him.

"First, we can add some eggs in. Watch closely how I crack it, Denji,"

You hit the egg on the edge of the countertop before holding it over the bowl and separating the two halves. The contents within the shell plopped down into the bowl, and Denji was eager to have a turn.

"I wanna try, I wanna try!"

You moved a stool over so he'd be able to reach everything properly, and handed him an egg. He copied your movements, cracking the egg and opening it.

He gave you a sad look, afraid he'd disappointed you,
"My yellow part wasn't a circle like yours..."

"That's alright Denji, sometimes the yolk will break, but it's fine,"

He was glad that he hadn't ruined anything, and watched as you added more ingredients to his cake.

"Some vanilla, more sugar, and a little bit of baking powder..."

You started whisking the bowl as Denji watched in amazement, excited just thinking about the cake you'd both made together.

"Now we'll pour this into a cake tin,"

You gave Denji the very important role of holding the cake tin still as you poured the cake batter in, and once it was full, you got to work emptying your oven of all the pots and pans within.

"Set the oven to 350 degrees and bake for 35 minutes,"

You shut the oven door and the inside light turned on, giving Denji a view of the cake.

It was still pretty early in the morning, Aki and Power still sleeping soundly.

"Okay Denji, what do you want to do now?"

"I wanna cuddle!"

Your heart melted at his steadfast proposal, and you picked him up before taking him to the couch. Denji ended up taking a nap on your lap, Pochita sleeping as well.

Just how many times had he eaten that pathetic excuse for cake? How many times did he risk illness from the raw flour? Was he really satisfied with it?

You didn't have to think about that now, all you needed to do was right the wrongs of his previous life.

Denji could never get enough how kind you were, always giving him sweet treats and never bullying him like the other men in his life. You treated him with care and loved him like a father should.

He loved when you gave him sweet little nicknames, or when you'd fuss over him. He especially liked when you'd tuck him in for the night, giving him a little kiss on the forehead.

Everything about his new life was perfect. A cool older brother, a fun sister, an amazing dad, and he got to share it all with Pochita too!

"Denji, the cake's ready, it's time to wake up!"

He immediately jumped off the couch and ran to the oven, with it not taking you too much effort to catch up with him.

You made sure he was a safe distance away from the oven as you pulled the cake tin out, extracting the cake and putting it on a cooling rack.

"Just a few more minutes Denji, then it'll be ready to eat,"

He plopped right down on the floor, waiting patiently.

Once it'd cooled down, you made sure to give him a big slice, putting whipped cream on it as well.

He waited until you fixed yourself up a slice as well, and you both took a bite at the same time.

This may have been the best thing he'd ever eaten. Not just because it was a sweet cake, but because he got to make it with you, the person he adored.

"This is so good! I'm gonna wake up Aki and Power so they can have some too!"

He put his plate on the counter and ran off, and all you could do was smile.

He enjoyed bragging to the other two how he'd helped make the cake, with Power insisting that she must be present for the next baking session.

What a happy family you were.


I got inspired by a thing I saw on twitter today

Father of three (Little!CSM + Male reader)Where stories live. Discover now