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Loud footsteps ran towards your room before you got jumped on by three children.

"Dad! Wake up! It's Christmas!"
"We wanna open our presents!"

After catching your breath and dealing with the pain of being crushed, you hopped out of bed with your children dragging and pushing you towards the living room.

Denji and Power were very excited to celebrate their first Christmas with you, and Aki was glad to see it.

Power gasped,
"Look! Santa left presents!"

Denji gasped as well,
"He ate all the cookies and drank the milk too! Do you think he liked them?"

You and Denji baked the cookies together for 'Santa,' and Denji was eager to see if his baking skills were up to code.

"You put a lot of care and effort into them, I'm sure he did, Denji,"

You sat down on your chair and watched as your children began approached their wrapped presents, inspecting the tags to see who got what.

It was pretty hard for you to choose only a few items from their Christmas lists considering your income and what was actually possible, but you felt that you made good decisions with these gifts, and hoped your children would feel the same way.

Since Aki was the oldest, your children decided he should get to show off his present first

At first he seemed a little disappointed by his present's small size, but a happy grin formed on his lips as he saw the contents of the gift.

"The new Pokémon game! Thanks da- I mean, Santa,"

You smiled warmly at your son, and watched as Denji got into his gift.

He gently took the wrapping paper off of his gift box, wanting to preserve the artifacts of his first Christmas gift.

After much deliberation, he finally opened his gift, and was delighted to find multiple items for him.

"My own apron! And a chef hat too!"
He cheered as he got you to help put them on him.

Of course that wasn't the only thing you'd gotten him, you'd also gotten him a cook book, a toy car, and a few toys for Pochita.

All that was left now was Power's gift, and-

Shreds of colorful wrapping paper littered the area around her as she tore into her present after growing impatient seeing her brothers opening their gifts.

"Yes! My hammer!"
She held up her hammer proudly, quickly setting it down while she looked at the rest of her loot.

A crown, a cape, all of which she hastily asked you to dress her in.

You enjoyed watching how your children expressed how excited they were about their gifts, though a part of you felt like Aki hadn't received as much in comparison to the others.

Sure, the game did end up costing around the same amount of money as Denji's and Power's gifts, but it physically didn't feel like much, so you made a mental note to get him a few extra goodies later.

Eventually your children all ended up on the couch with you, cuddling up with their beloved father while playing with their gifts.

Even though Denji and Power fully believed their gifts came from Santa, a part of them still felt grateful to you for it all.

Then Denji realized something.

Denji spoke with a serious tone.

"Yes Denji?"
You asked, tilting your head in confusion.

"Santa didn't get you a gift!"

Much to the confusion of Denji and Power, you laughed.

"What's so funny? You need to write a letter for him quickly! Maybe he can still get you a present!"
Denji urged urgently, Power nodding in agreement.

It warmed your heart to see your children concerned for you, and you couldn't help but hug them a bit tighter.

"Why would I need a present when I've already got the best thing in the world?"

Power raised a brow,
"Really? What is it?!"

You gave each of them a kiss on the head,
"Three amazing children and two great pets. I couldn't have asked for a better family,"

The children giggled as you tickled them with your affection, seemingly forgetting their worries for you.

That night, the three of them slept happily, thinking about all of the warm Christmases to come.

Telling Denji and Power that Santa wasn't real would definitely be a challenge you wouldn't look forward to.


Father of three (Little!CSM + Male reader)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz