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Athena's Pov:

As soon as the three of us step out of the car, Derek takes off to park. "Let us get some food into us before we go around. There is a lovely breakfast and brunch place here." For being so early in the morning there were surprisingly many people around.

I reach for Gabriel's hand again before I know it, clasping mine in his. I don't turn to face him embarrassed, I try to pull away only for him to squeeze it tight. When I finally look to him it seems we are both not huge fans of people.

We walk behind Luna looking into the store windows on the way to our destination. A few people give strange or angry looks in my direction that I choose to ignore. Both Luna and Gabe are dressed better than I am with me sweatpants.

"Ahh Mrs. D'Angelo always a pleasure, a table for two?" A man in his thirties asks, his eyes moving over the three of us only to give a small glare when they settle on me. "Oh Louis no, table for three please. We brought our appetites too." Luna laughs and Gabe give a glare.

The man Louis', smile falters slightly at the look Gabe gave him but he turned it attention back to m- Luna quickly asking us to follow. He seats us at a table in a quiet corner as another server sets down individual, very fancy, bottles of water then leaves.

"So I was thinking we would grab some cute close, maybe a few pairs of shoes, a couple school things. Oh but also of course somethings for your room..." Luna continues and even though I insist it is too much she insists it's not.

Eventually I give up and let her make her plans and pull out my phone just as a text comes through.


'You just have to let her be. When Mama sets her mind on something no one can change it.'

I laugh and he smiles from across the table. I have come to really like Luna sure she's a talker but it makes up for mine and Gabe lack there of. The isn't really any awkward silence which I'm glad for.

When I look to admire the restaurant some more I faulter when I see a few girls around my age glaring daggers straight into my soul. "Why do they keep glaring at me?" I question out loud frowning. Luna also loses her smile and looks to where I am.

"I'm not sure baby, probably just jealous of your pretty face. Some of theses girl and not to be friends with." She shakes her head telling me to ignore them. I try my best to block out all the stares I'm receiving even with my anxiety kicking up a notch.

By the time we finish eating and getting through a few stores Luna wonders off to pick something up real quick leaving Gabriel and I to wonder. We end up at a little ice-cream kiosk. As we turn to leave to leave with our ice-creams our way is blocked by three girls around our age.

"Do you really think you should be eating the love?" The girl scrunching up her nose. Both Gabriel and I frown. "Excuse me?"

I'm ignored as all their attentions are focused on Gabriel who looks increasingly more uncomfortable. "Hey Gabe. Tara is hosting a massive party before school starts back up you should tell your brothers and come." The blonde flutters her lashes.

"I actually think we will be going now." I take Gabe's hand who is more then ready to get out of here. "Oh and his name is Gabriel to you, not Gabe." They all scoff and Gabriel wears an amused, smug look.

"Well we weren't talking to you bitch. I'm not sure how you even got in here dressed like a homeless person." The blonde pipes up again followed by her friend. "Probably some gold digging trash, leeching of poor Gabriel here. Everyone knows he doesn't talk he could be in distress and no one would know." They all look at him with a look of pity.

My anger grows and his cheeks flame with embarrassment and one of the girls steps to him laying her hand on his arm. He immediately flinches from her touch, his breathing getting heavier.

I take the girl arm as she tries to touch him again. "Don't even fucking think about it." She squeals like a pigs trying to get out of my grip. "Don't fucking touch me you whore!"

With that my anger breaks and my fist is flying into her face before anyone can stop me. She lays on the floor clutching her eye and her friends sand shocked.

Well there goes my other hand.

"Hey, hey come on. Let's go." Gabe murmurs pulling me along.

We don't make it face when security stops us. "Ms, We need you to come with us." Officer Hayworth steps to me, clasping my upper arm in a tight grip. Now it's my turn to flinch, letting a small whimper at the tightness he is holding me at.

"Let go." I freeze at Gabriel's booming voice, so does every other person in the area looking an equal amount of shocked and confused. "Sir, we need to take her. She was involved in an assault on Ms. Bianchi. It's not wise to be seen with this girl."

Ok rude.

"Gabe it's ok. We'll just go with them." I say trying to deescalate. Reluctantly he nods then pulls out his phone I assume texting Luna what was happening. We are led to a back room in what seems to be a customer help area.

The officers leave us both in there as they go back out front. "Sooooo, this turn out to be an interesting day." Gabriel glares at me before shaking his head amused. "Thank you for defending me." He tells me from his seat.

I wave him off, "Always."

We both turn to the door when a women yelling on the other side is heard. "Well this is gonna be entertaining or we are both going to be grounded."

AthenaTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang