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Athena's Pov:

The game on the screen was interesting to watch. 

Bet I could beat Gabriel.

There was a murmur of voices that suddenly grew louder. Before Gabe could grab me which I saw him attempt to do as his eyes widen a fraction, I was up and out the door. I could hear more clearly now. 

"Get the fuck out of my house!" I rear back flinching along with Gabe. His hand comes to my arm trying to pull me away, to protect me from the commotion but I hold onto the top of the railing peering over.

We both watch Kaden grab Mara and drag her over to the door. Gabe tries to pull me away again being very gentle, obviously not wanting to hurt me in any way. "Let this be a warning...." 

"Please come back to the lounge with me, I'd prefer you not watch this." Gabe's voice barely audible to anyone who wasn't right next to him. "No." I say trying to pull out of his grasp again just in time to hear the last bit of what Kaden said to Mara.

"I'll cut your tongue from your mouth." I briefly freeze, not out of fear. Damn he had balls, I'm impressed. Again Gabe tries to pull me away this time I was not expecting it so I stumble over my foot. 

They must hear as Finn, Sasha, Carlo and Elio look up going still and wide eyed. It's another second before Kaden sees us and follows suit. 

What are they expecting me to have a break down and cry. I raise an eyebrow a "Hmm." leaving my lips as I finally let Gabriel drag me back to the game room, I suppose they call it the lounge.

I throw myself back on the couch in the corner bouncing a little as I do. "T-that...I..uhh.." Gabe paces looking stressed, not knowing what to say. "Listen, don't fear him, okay? What you saw is not Kaden. H-he...You don't know Mara, she must have said or done something again and this time Kaden just couldn't hold back."


He thought I was scared of Kaden


"Gabe, you need to calm down." I saw standing. He keeps pacing. Crap he's going to work himself into a panic attack. Making sure not to touch him I block his pacing path. "Gabriel. Hey, please look at me."

His wild eyes snap to mine. I give him a smile that seems to sooth him a little, so I hold a had out for him. He looks hesitant but eventually takes it. 


I lead him over to the couch and sit him down so that I can crouch in front of him. "I'm not scared of anyone, least of all Kaden. That girl wasn't very nice when I was down there, started to give me a headache." I huff out a little laugh. 

"I'm sure Kaden had his reasons for doing as he did and honestly he shouldn't have to entertain anyone in his house he doesn't want here." My words seem to hit him and his breaths even out to the point he is slumped on the couch.

"You okay now?" I saw gently, rubbing my thumb across the back of his hand. I relax and slump beside him when he gives me a nod with a small smile. I take the opportunity to to wrap  my arms around his middle in a hug.

"Good. Now show me how to play this game so I can beat you."


Meanwhile in other parts of the mansion...


"Oh my fucking shit-balls." Finn runs his hands down his face dramatically. "We need to go check on her, she is probably scared. Kaden why did you have to threaten Mara- Actually don't answer that she deserved it. Ugh why did Athena have to hear it, WHY?!!"

"Umm.. yeah so we're gonna head out now. See y'all soon." Elio salutes as the three practically run for the door. 

"She's fine." Kaden says scrolling on his phone. Disbelieve runs across Finn's face, "Fine? She's fine? My poor sweet little baby sister just witnessed you threatening someone. Ohhh, I should go check on her." Finn jumps up, Kaden sighs but follows his brother out and up the stairs the whole time remaining strong in his belief that his little sister was fine. 

Opening the door Kaden nearly crashed into the back of Finn when he comes to a complete stop. Athena is smiling along with Gabriel as they play a racing game on the flat screen. "See, not scared or traumatised by my threats." Kaden looks triumphant. 

"Oh my baby sister!!! Are you alright, everything will be alright." Finn takes to Athena's side who gives him a sideways glace as he starts to stroke her hair and cheek.

She starts to look annoyed that she is being distracted by him.  She is working double time to win as the cast on her hand limits her movement.

"Quit it Finn." She huffs out annoyed trying to focus on winning. "Oh darling, it's okay. You're big brothers are here for you. It's okay to cry if you need to."

Becoming more and more annoyed Kaden looks on in amusement. Gabe takes advantage of Finn distracting Athena and wins the game. "HA! You'll never beat me!" Gabe yells as Athena throws the controller onto the couch letting out a whine. 

"Agh, see what you did Finn!! You made me lose!! I. DO. NOT. LOSE!" She flops back arms crossed and lip stuck out in a pout. Kaden doesn't know what to be more shocked by, the fact that Gabe yelled or the fact that is sister is pouting like a little baby, the same sister who got arrested along side him for illegal racing. 

"And what is going on in here?" Papa appears at the door and eyebrow raised in question taking in the site of his pouting daughter, his quiet son, who barely speak to anyone continuing to smack talk her, his other sons looking shocked at what they were witnessing. 

"Nothing." Athena pouts glaring at Finn. Probably planning his murder. "Uh-hu, I don't believe you, Principessa."

Kaden goes on to explain the events of what was going on, leaving Silas shaking his head in amusement at his children. It did not escape his attention how everyone was becoming more alive with his little girl back with them. 

He couldn't be more proud of Gabriel for the strides he has made, even is those strides include trash talking his little sister. He knew she could handle herself. 

"Did we disrupt you?" His baby girl looks at his with those beautiful eyes of hers. "No, love. I just came to grab you." Striding over to Athena. Silas picks her up, only then did she realise she didn't feel too good. 

"Something's wrong." She mumbled as Silas strides down the hallway. "I know, love."

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