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Athena's Pov:

I follow the voices down the stairs to find Silas, Luna and most of the boys except Finn and Gabriel sat around the dining room table. 

"Happy first day of school my love!" Luna squeals as she takes me in. "Oh! Don't you look absolutely divine. Doesn't she look divine boys?!" Nods and grunts of agreement go around. Okayy, a little awkward. 

I guess I make a funny face because Marcus speaks up. Clearing his  throat he speak; "Umm, you look beautiful and all bambina but uhh, maybe you wanna wear some trousers. You know so you uh... oh, so you're not cold." 

Yeahh I don't believe that's the reason not even for a moment. "I think I'm good." I say simply earning a snicker from my mother as the boys faces fall. "Well I think you look lovely my baby girl." Silas says as he stands kissing the top of my head.

 He pull something from his pocket and hands it to me. "Here my little one. This is for you." I give him a funny look but take the box from him anyway and open it. I gasp at how beautiful the ring is. 

"We all wear the family crest on us. Now, you do too." Silas says softly as he takes the ring out of the box and slides it onto my finger. "Thank you. It's beautiful." I immediately go and hug him. We hug for a moment but break when the doors open to the dining room open again.

"Aww crap! Did we miss it?!" Finn says loudly breaking the moment. Laughter breaks out at how dishevelled he looks. Gabriel comes in after him giving me a  soft smile. 

We all eat in piece after the boys fawn over my ring and showing me their crests. "Okay kids. Off to school with you all or you're going to be late. Make sure to look out for your sister. And my love, have an amazing first day." Luna gives me a hug on my way out of the dining room.

"Wait." We all freeze as Elijah stands. Go stand against the wall all of you." The other three groan but I just look at them confused. 

I figure out what is going on soon enough though. As we all stand there Elijah pulls out his phone and starts taking pictures. When he finishes the boys make a dash for the front door. "Have have a great day sorella. I can't wait to hear all about it when you get home."

I smile and say my goodbyes and join the others in the car. Kaden is driving with Finn in the passenger seat leaving me and Gabriel in the back. Bickering ensues from the two in the front over the music. Gabe is reading a book and I'm trying not to have a nervous breakdown.

I mean, what is something happens? or I don't make any friends or I get my period. OMG what is I flash some one. I cut myself off as we approach the school. Unlike the last time I was here the parking lot is full of expensive cars and student who are all wearing expensive things. 

I mean what type of guys wears Gucci head to toe? That guy over there apparently. Kaden pulls into a parking space and turns to face me. "If you have  any trouble at all today you come find me and I'll sort it out for you. Okay? And also all the teachers are aware of your diabetes if you need to do anything just do it. No one will stop you and if they do again you me." 

I nod not feeling like talking but Kaden doesn't let that bother him. He is the first to exit the car, followed by Finn who is still complaining about the music and then Gabe and I. 

People turn and look at us as we head for the building. Conversations stop and others move out of our way. Feeling nervous I grab Gabriel's hand which he lets me take giving my hand a squeeze. 

When we get into the school building Kaden leads the way to the front office and speaks to the women for me. She gives him a large envelope and goes back to her books. "Okay here is your schedule." Kaden pulls out a piece of paper and takes a picture of it. 

Athena D'Angelo:

09:00-10:00: Italian Room: 12

10:00-11:00:  AP Math  Room: 33

11:00-12:00: Lunch 

12:00-13:00:  AP Science Room: 10

13:00-14:00: AP English Room: 21

14:00-15:00:  PE

My schedule looks decent. "Come I'll walk you to your first class." Kaden says. The other two give me a hug and go to their first classes. "Your Italian class is with the juniors The rest of the classes you will have us with you. Math with me. Lunch is together with everyone. The twins are in your science class. You're alone for English too but we all have PE together. Finn and I are on the football team so we will have practice at that time. But the teachers aren't strict they will let you do anything really during the class since it's obviously not graded. Pretty sure Gabriel reads during the whole class." He lets out a huff of a laugh.

It's not like Gabe is out of shape or anything I know he uses the gym at home. I've seem him he must just not like working out at school. We end up outside a class room in the language building. 

"This is your class. Just follow the room numbers or ask someone how to get to Math. I'll see you later be good." He acts stern with the last of his words but them give me a smirk before walking away. 




The bell rings signalling the start of class. Deep breath annnnddd here I go.

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