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Athena's Pov:

Why is this school so big?

Up a flight of stairs, down three different hallways, across the the school, through the cafeteria arounds another hallway and finally up a small flight of stairs. That was the way I was led only to end up in a massive library.

Wow. Okay I know where I'll be spending most of my free time. The dark wood is magnificent. It looks like the library spans three floors with a lot of sitting room. Amazing.

"Ah! Callie, there you are. Athena I'm going to hand you off to Callie now. She is one of our academic tutors, she also a certified to over see exams. If you need anything just ask. Okay, I'll see you come Monday for your first day, good luck." With that the principle waves to Callie and walk back out the door we came in.

"Hi Athena. As principle DeLuca just stated My name is Callie and I'm going to be supervising your exams today" Callie couldn't be older than her mid twenties. She wore a pastel pink dress, which sneakers and oversized cardigan. Her long blond hair flowed down her back in beautiful waves.

"Nice to meet you." I give her a small smile as she gestures for me to sit at the desk we are standing beside. On the desk are a few different papers, a bottle of water and a few pencils sticking out of a holder.

"So I'm just going to go over everything real quick and then you can start the first exam." I nod for her to continue and she does. "So your first exam is English. You will have an hour to complete the paper. After that you will have a ten minute break to use the bathroom or rest. While your doing your next exam I'll grade you English paper and so on. You have a water here and pencil there. If you need anything just let me know and I'll see what I can do."

Callie explains everything to me with a smile. "Okay." She puts the fist exam in front of me and starts a timer. "Good luck." With that I open the first page and start.




"I'm finished." I push the math exam towards her with ten minutes to spare. "Okay great you've done a really great job on the first three exams. I'll have the last one graded today and your parents should get an e-mail tonight with your grades, the recommended grade for you and a timetable for Monday. Also for Monday go straight to the office when you get in and they will have some additional information to give you."

Callie explains as she walks me out to the main entrance just as a black SUV pulls up. Out of the car walks Silas and Gabriel. Both of whom wear warm smiles on their faces. "Ah my bambina." Silas wraps me in a hug, kissing my forehead. "How did it go?" He talks with Callie for a moment as I go to stand next to Gabriel.

He takes hold of my hand, giving it a squeeze. "Alright let's get you both home." Silas takes my other hand as we all walk back to the car. When we do I find Elijah and Marcus there also. When we are all situated Silas pulls off home.

The car ride is filled with questions about my day and theirs. Pulling up in the drive way, we all exit and go inside. I head straight up to my room with Gabriel hot on my heels. The others head off to get some work done.

Turns out Luna took Kaden and Finn out so they are not home. Changing into some loungewear I found in the closet I crawl into my bed just as there is a know on the semi-closed door. When it's pushed open a second later I find Gabriel there whom has also changed clothes.

Now wearing a pair of grey tracksuit bottoms and a black t-shirt he comes into the room and crawls into my bed also only then do I notice he brought snacks. He is like a mind reader. My stomach takes to moment to grumble.

I turn on the TV and select a show I've never watched before trusting it's good. After eating a lot of chips and salsa my eyes start to grow heavy. By the time the first episode is coming to an end I am out cold.


A shaking wakes me from my nap. Opening my eye just a little I find Finn standing over me with a look of pure adoration on his face. "Hey baby, dinner is ready and Papa said he has an e-mail for you." Finn moves a lock of hair from my face as I close my eye again.

"Come Athena, we're having steak and mash potato." He chuckles as I make no move to get up. Sure I love a good steak as much as the next gal but I don't wanna move right now.

I make a grumbling noise when Finn pull away my duvet letting the cold air hit me. I hear two chuckles with time when I squeal as he lifts me from the bed into his arms.

I keep my eyes closed, cheek squashed against his chest as I list to his heart beat. "Awww, look at my babies." I hear Luna gush as I hear the sound of a photo being taken. Furrowing my brows I open my eyes and find every single family member watching me and Finn.

He not so gracefully drops me into a chair before patting my head. He laughs as I glare at him while he takes a seat. We all eat mostly quietly with a little small talk until everyone is finished and the plates are taken away.

"Just before everyone goes their separate ways we have an announcement." We all look to Silas as he pulls out a laptop. "An e-mail came in just before dinner for Athena. Her grades from her exams and some more information for us." Silas smiles as he motions for me to stand and walk over to him.

I do and he turns the laptop towards me. Luna is smiling so I'd say she has already seen the e-mail but all the brothers look at me with anticipation. "What does it say bambina, tell your brothers." Silas encourages me as I stare at the screen.

"Umm, it says I got a 97% on the English exam. A 92% in Science. 73% Italian and 99% in Math." I read out all the scores and with each exam they boys look more shocked. "Keep going baby." Luna encourages.

I scroll down a little to the actual e-mail part. As I read it I 'm a little shocked myself. "What does it say" Marcus enquires like he is on the edge of his seat.

"It uh, oh wow. It say the average score I should have received on my exams to be place with the grade level for my age was a 60-75% in each subject. It says that since I scored higher I have been placed in the grade above. Grade: 12."

Holy shit. I really didn't expect that. I knew I was kinda smart but wow didn't think I was this smart. "It also says I qualify to take up to two college level courses of my choosing." I include as I read the bottom of the e-mail.

"So wait. All four of us are going to be in the same grade?" Kaden asks with a weird look on his face. All of us?" Kaden was held back in elementary for different things. So he is a senior this year and as for the twins; they are in the normal grade for their age group." Elijah explains.

I have a feeling there is more to the story but I can look into the later. "Well that just means you'll be able to look out for your baby sister even better. Won't you boys." Luna says as she looks at each of them. They all answer or nod their head yes.

Dead lord I have a feeling things are going to get complicated.

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